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  1. greenivy

    I need help!! Dont know how to top, fertilize, and what stage is my plant

    I will post some in an hour, not home yet, thanks for your assistance
  2. greenivy

    I need help!! Dont know how to top, fertilize, and what stage is my plant

    Im stil only growing bunches of leaves and my plant is 8 weeks, found out that the outside light schedule dosent change to 12/12 until 9/23
  3. greenivy

    When does outdoor flowering begin?

    I looke dup sunrise/sunset and found out for my area it dosent get a 12/12 schedule until 9/23!!!! Should I force flower now and if so what do I do just cover it up??? I cant wait until 9/23 to flower, Its supposed to be harvested by oct just enter your zip code
  4. greenivy

    Miracle Grow Bloom Bosster

    Ok that you, I will go out and get some when the tiem comes. I planted 6/2 and its now 8/3 and I still se no signs of sex. Im guessing I will see it when it flowers but its just continuing to grow bunches and bunches of leaves!!! Do I have to force flower or should I just continue to wait? I...
  5. greenivy

    Miracle Grow Bloom Bosster

    What do you mean by foliar feeding, and it is ok to feed your plant everyday. Im still in veg but i want to force flower, plant is about 2 feet tall (or more) I have been using MG plant food once a week, small end for 1 gallon of water (24-8-16). I am trying to hold out but its geeting so tall i...
  6. greenivy

    I need help!! Dont know how to top, fertilize, and what stage is my plant

    well i didnt see any balls either or white pistil hairs so i am not sure either. Its almost 8 weeks old though am i doing something wrong
  7. greenivy

    I need help!! Dont know how to top, fertilize, and what stage is my plant

    here are some recent photos of the plant but still not signs of sex it just keeps growing and making leaves. when to start flowering or shall i wait until it does it naturally its an outside grow started about 6/3/12 what kind of bllom booster to use i was considering fox farms
  8. greenivy

    I need help!! Dont know how to top, fertilize, and what stage is my plant

    lol not on the plants, I saw online that human urine is one of the best fertilizers so a little while ago i used some mixed with distilled water (1tsp of urine in a 1gallon milk of water) it had that girls super dark green but the only nutes I have used so far is what in the MG slow release. I...
  9. greenivy

    I need help!! Dont know how to top, fertilize, and what stage is my plant

    yes i did ask that thanks....why did they yellow like that, it didnt look like nute burns this time so I will cut them
  10. greenivy

    I need help!! Dont know how to top, fertilize, and what stage is my plant

    so far she does not lol but you never know. I keep it up high usually:weed:
  11. greenivy

    I need help!! Dont know how to top, fertilize, and what stage is my plant
  12. greenivy

    I need help!! Dont know how to top, fertilize, and what stage is my plant

    here are some new pics just so you can see where im at now with the plant, lol my pit bull though it was picture time for her lol:clap: this is 10 days after I first submitted photos!! That little skinny stem turned into a small bush lol. I tipped on 7/1 I believe and also uploaded those pics...
  13. greenivy

    I need help!! Dont know how to top, fertilize, and what stage is my plant

    Ok I see, well i am about to post a video with questions and some new pictures, I topped it about a week or so ago and look at it shocked
  14. greenivy

    I need help!! Dont know how to top, fertilize, and what stage is my plant

    Ok :lol: also how could the roots get messed up or I mean what could I do to mess them up (so I wont do it)
  15. greenivy

    I need help!! Dont know how to top, fertilize, and what stage is my plant

    omg thank you so much...will i have to move the plant back out of the pot to mix the perlite in the soil? How long to wait to do this, can I do it rite away tomorrow? is it ok to re-plant it twice, will it die?
  16. greenivy

    I need help!! Dont know how to top, fertilize, and what stage is my plant

    I also used TopSoil potting mix ( think potting my dad uses it for his garden) and the water sits on top of the soil for a while before it goes down!! Still no drainage.....
  17. greenivy

    I need help!! Dont know how to top, fertilize, and what stage is my plant

    No, I can try to get one, is that what I need to make sufficient holes? and do they need to be on the side as well as the bottom?
  18. greenivy

    I need help!! Dont know how to top, fertilize, and what stage is my plant

    Yes I can, SO should I water it untilI see it draining?
  19. greenivy

    I need help!! Dont know how to top, fertilize, and what stage is my plant

    yes it was at nite. also I just re-potted today and I dont like how the soil look. I didnt see any drainage out of the bottom. I put holes in the bottom(more like slits) and I am afraid it wont drain correctly. I cantake pics tonite its too dart now and I have no flash on my cell phone camera...