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  1. greenivy

    I need help!! Dont know how to top, fertilize, and what stage is my plant

    SO i repotted today in a 5 gal (old paint jug, the big white one) I put about 10 drain holes and ran water in the bucket to make sure it would drain but I am afraid it wont drain correctly with the dirt in. I had to use hedge clippers to punch the holes and it made like slits instead. I tried...
  2. greenivy

    I need help!! Dont know how to top, fertilize, and what stage is my plant

    Ok i will see what happened or just re-post them sorry bout that FAB.
  3. greenivy

    I need help!! Dont know how to top, fertilize, and what stage is my plant

    thnaks JRT..... i will follow those steps and keep you posted!!
  4. greenivy

    Male or Female

    I really hope I dont see balls....that looks male. I will try to take some better pics of my plant so I can see what sex mine may be. I dont think it shows yet but i should rite?
  5. greenivy

    I need help!! Dont know how to top, fertilize, and what stage is my plant

    @JRtokin - Is it those pistal looking things (they look green) I dont think I know what preflower is. So far I see no balls but its alot of new leafs (see pics) can you tell from looking at the pics?
  6. greenivy

    I need help!! Dont know how to top, fertilize, and what stage is my plant

    whan i went out on my patio this am to get it, it looked like some animal was digging in my soil!!! I saw pieces of broken root in the top of the soil!! I had to repack the soil back together....what could cause that!! i have not started any nutes beside whats in the MG slow release. Im too...
  7. greenivy

    I need help!! Dont know how to top, fertilize, and what stage is my plant

    thx jrtokin and mr ganja(prev post) I have pics of the burn. Its more on the bottom leaves and these branches are tripling with new leaves and stuff. I will show pictures but my babies are burnt :cuss:
  8. greenivy

    I need help!! Dont know how to top, fertilize, and what stage is my plant

    Its in a 3gal pot rite now I am starting to notice some nute burns and I was wondering if I can tell the sex yet. I will try to get better pics but how long before it shows signs of sex?
  9. greenivy

    I need help!! Dont know how to top, fertilize, and what stage is my plant

    how do I re-pot? I have some top soil would that do the trick? I am in the veg stage now and I have not gotten any nutes for it, what ahould I buy? Will it have to be bought online or thru amazon? I dont live near any nurseries..... Thanks JRTokin, im sorry for all the Questions
  10. greenivy

    I need help!! Dont know how to top, fertilize, and what stage is my plant

    any help would be great, hasnt started nutes because I used the MG w/slow release plant food and I have seen nute burns. This originated from bagseed, not sure what it was being that I only smoke hydro strains. I brought it inside just to snap some photos. Its an outdoor plant and where I have...
  11. greenivy

    I need help!! Dont know how to top, fertilize, and what stage is my plant

    thanks guys for all your help, i will be posting pics as she grows, and I will def need help during flowering stage so please stay tuned and thanks for the welcome fellow stoner!
  12. greenivy

    I need help!! Dont know how to top, fertilize, and what stage is my plant

    I sort of regret it now jswett1100 but i will just keep her goin, thanks everyone!
  13. greenivy

    I need help!! Dont know how to top, fertilize, and what stage is my plant

    @FAB ok i see, im am so lost, I tried topping it and the area where i topped turned black!!! The new node leaves or whatever has grown in the last 2 days but it lookd like it has slowed down, it was growing about an inch a day! Its about 12 inches when i measured it last I just dont know what...
  14. greenivy

    I need help!! Dont know how to top, fertilize, and what stage is my plant

    If I used MG potting mix with MG plant food slow release automatically in it do I have to add more plant food or fertilizer? It says it feed plants up to six months? Is that true? Have anyone used it before? Its what I originally started with
  15. greenivy

    I need help!! Dont know how to top, fertilize, and what stage is my plant

    You are good! Yes it is a outdoor plant,I though about bringing it indoors but wasnt sure if that will change things. I planted about a mont or so ago so oyu are right on with the time frame, was that too late? I live up north in and we get very cold winters, will my plant last after the summer...
  16. greenivy

    I need help!! Dont know how to top, fertilize, and what stage is my plant

    Thanks for the response, I used MG potting mix to start, regular water nothing extra exept some of my urine a few time( I saw it on the internet says its great fertilizer) and its outdoor only, Its on my top proch so its in the sun form the time it comes up until about 6/7pm and its facing south...
  17. greenivy

    I need help!! Dont know how to top, fertilize, and what stage is my plant

    I have a plant a few weeks old (not sure how old please advise) i am not sure what else to do. Is it time to fertilize, what stage is it in flowering or vegetive! I will post pictures.... Please help first time grow.....