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  1. UKpeanuts

    LED grows. G/W. LOG. Please Post your Grow Diarys;

    Hiya, I wanted to compile a list of grows which acheive great than 1g/W Not really fussed if you accounting for fans and ballast losses or not. I hope to add my name to this list in 2 months, but as its my first time round I feel I might be waiting a while! Have you grown with greater...
  2. UKpeanuts

    DIY COB reflectors

    I'll keep an eye out for the spray on satin, as you probably noticed I gave it a rough up with some 40 grit in the hopes of improving difraction / diffusion. thanks :) UKP
  3. UKpeanuts

    DIY COB reflectors

    Yea, I can't get hold of the rustoleam stuff your taking about in the UK. I'm also concerned it might release vapours (unknown) into my grow area. - Any advice on this? I didn't think benefits of painting equalled the effort of painting :P (too many spliffs)
  4. UKpeanuts

    PTC Heaters

  5. UKpeanuts

    DIY COB reflectors

    Made 2 of these bad boys last night from some 1mm ally. I've got 3 lights running diagonally across my box so the 2 light at either end get a corner reflector each Edit: Process; 1) drew 1:1 of alpine 11 in sketch up 2) drew the reflector in position 3) copied and moved reflector so it was on...
  6. UKpeanuts

    PTC Heaters

    Hello, I've seen this heater and would like some advise; it mentions it uses a PTC resistor to control heat output, however if I put my thermostat in the power supply feeding this I assume I will have the control? Anyone got anything similar? or advice...
  7. UKpeanuts

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    I would guess the driver is limited at 42V / 3.6A because the internal circuits will overheat if it tries to deliver more power?
  8. UKpeanuts

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    Thanks for the explanation dude, it's a subtle change which I keep overlooking. What I also struggle with is how a LED resistance changes non linear to its current draw. I thought I understood dc resistance haha. If I were to plug my CXA3070 into an accurate dc voltage supply @ 37V it would...
  9. UKpeanuts

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    Looks okay, See if you can find the datasheet for it, that will tell you the PF correction ratio / angle etc.. Question to all: The driver above states 700mA @ 42Vdc. If the COB only requires 36V whats happening to the other 6V? Can the driver 'decide' what voltage is best?
  10. UKpeanuts

    DIY CXB2530 3000K 80cri U2 bin (Vero Killers!)

    I thought vero's were far far easy to install than their cree counter part. I used chip lock holders from ideal and vero holder from ledil.
  11. UKpeanuts

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    When using the dimming feature of a driver, is the output from the driver PWM?
  12. UKpeanuts

    ...All Things Vero...

    Thank you,
  13. UKpeanuts

    ...All Things Vero...

    Hey Mechmike - what sort of power are you using with the 660nm leds, compared to the total power of your cobs? Could you recomend a small 660nm chip, i'm interested in dense nugs :P
  14. UKpeanuts

    ...All Things Vero...

    I've got one a vero 29 and one of these clamps. do I use the 2 holes provided to clamp the cob and reflector? or are you meant to clamp the cob and reflector separately? thanks ukp
  15. UKpeanuts

    Micro Heating Solutions

    Aha! Abiqua I think you hit the nail on the head in an ideal situation we would have free air movement without lose of heat but I guess these things are exclusive if we are heating the air. A possible solution; the problem being that it seems wasteful to heat the air with a tube heater /...
  16. UKpeanuts

    ...All Things Vero...

    my 29 has a giant 2D barcode printed on its metal heatsink! how is anyone meant to get good thermal conductivity through that inky protrusion! What the sweet hell Vero?
  17. UKpeanuts

    Micro Heating Solutions

    Hello, Just interested in starting a thread about heating and ho to do it most efficiently in small spaces... I'm currently using a small tube heater with a built in stat to control the heat in my groom, my concern with this is that I am only heating the air, which is being sucked out of the...
  18. UKpeanuts

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    a) I probably wouldn't sand the back of the COB. on the datasheet there's probably a tolerance for the flatness, i think its unlikely you will improve on this. b) the thermal paste should be as thin as possible to increase the rate of heat transfer, (making both mating surfaces (COB&heatsink)...
  19. UKpeanuts

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    Hey guys; I just plugged in my 3070 & mean lpc 60-1400. for the first time. About 2 minutes later the light in the room started dimming for a few seconds and then turned off, then it came back on at 1/2 power and fluctuated a bit. The light is controlled by a touch sensitive switch. The other...
  20. UKpeanuts

    Led driver dilemma

    So looking at the graph its taking just over 300mA from your driver, which is being pulled up by the COB? I made a green line on the graph at about 1000mA, ill base some scenarios on that d1 rated - 1000mA @ 40V-(40W) -- COB: Runs no problem d2 rated- 1000mA @ 34V-(34W)-- COB: Perhaps it...