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  1. B

    new to growing first time organic grow.

    Hey thanks, I think I over did it a little on the lights im prob gona take some down I feel like my electrick bill is gona be noticable, and i have to save some juice for the air conditioner when its really hot out. I named that plant dylan cuz that the name of the kid who over charged me for...
  2. B

    First grow...need some help

    yea I hung them up for 7 days then I cured them for about a month now, not sure what it could be, I think maby they just fully dried in 7 the days befor they got a chance to cure is that possible?
  3. B

    How many light can I jam into my house befor geting in trouble???

    It may be of decent size but ita all about the quality, which I have to work on im never satisfied with the taste of my bud.
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    How many light can I jam into my house befor geting in trouble???

    I just added more light is this too much adds up to around 2572 Watts not including 2x 500 cfm inline fans ?
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    First grow...need some help

    Its not bad for first time keep at it, if only grown a coupla times and I cant get my bud to taste good.
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    Good times in Cali grow - 600w

    how long do you cure your buds for may I ask
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    Good times in Cali grow - 600w

    that look awesome ! teach my your magic !
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    First grow...need some help

    Looks a little burned, how long did you veg for?
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    first time organic grow

    I not sure whats wrong, cuz my bud always look awesome but smells kinda grassy , burns and taste funny?
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    first time organic grow

    Thanks for the input, I dont know how to make compost teas or how to use them :/
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    new to growing first time organic grow.

    Im wondering if my setup looks right , im going to trying to harvest 3 plants every week not sure if its going to work, I was also wondering if the nuts im using look right for diff stages , I just got that bag of bat guano and i want to use it in my bloom room, not sure if its a good idea. Im...
  12. B

    first time organic grow

    Im wondering if my setup looks right , im going to trying to harvest 3 plants every week not sure if its going to work, I was also wondering if the nuts im using look right for diff stages,i currently use soil-less mix ,and I just got that bag of bat guano and i want to use it in my bloom room...
  13. B

    My flower room is to hot help

    How can i make my room cooler it is curently around 85f i am running 2 air cooled 600watt any ideas ?
  14. B

    General organics grow box?

    how strong should I mix the nuts for diffrent stages ppm wise, clones / veg / flower. I try to feed every other watering.
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    need help improving grow

    I want a job in North cali Im a hard worker.
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    How many light can I jam into my house befor geting in trouble???

    yea I have seen, I just dont now how to feed them , or what brand of nuts to use , or what soil to put in ground and how much ? the lan i got is like a 1 and a half drive so i dont like to make a lot of trips back and forth to feed.
  17. B

    need help improving grow

    yea I constantly read grow bibles and look up stuff on youtube, any good books you recomend every once and a wile i buy a pre paid credit card and buy a ton of boks of amazon and get them shipped to my moms house. Im like a pot nerd lol
  18. B

    need help improving grow

    i am prob gona re do my rooms as soon as i get the taste thing worked out and i pick my strain, then im gona do what you said . I have ak sour d dutch cheese , hash plant and bubblegun mothers and northern kights kali mist and white widow seeds to crack yet
  19. B

    How many light can I jam into my house befor geting in trouble???

    yea i got a nice pyramid set up and its so dry up here everything i have gos to the first person i talk to, yea outdoors would be awesome i have one plant this year out doors i have no idea how to grow outdoors i just put it out there i got mad land out in the middle of no where.
  20. B

    How many light can I jam into my house befor geting in trouble???

    to bad i dident grow up knowing you other wise i would take you completely seriously. I have to perfect my work still but as soon as i get better im goin big.