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  1. G

    Should i kill these plants and restart?

    I'm in canada & i have a box with mylar ect but i had to take the pictures outside of the room because i'm using a web cam plus the lights was interfering with the quality of the picture
  2. G

    Should i kill these plants and restart?

    I'm not feeding no nutes and i'm using canna professional soil. Lights 400watt HPS x 2. No iv not feed no calcium or mag supplements, should i? I'm transplanting to bigger pots tomorrow. Also i'm considering buying nutes for the rest of veg to give it vitamins ect is this correct?
  3. G

    Should i kill these plants and restart?

    The last week i been having a really bad problem and can't find the cause of it :( The new growth has been thinning, bottom leaves have turned yellow, plants drooping. I'm wondering if this has stunted growth, if so will this affect my yield? Even if i vegged longer so they can repair...
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    Cold Temperatures

    Thanks for this picture, anybody else got pictures of the affects?
  5. G

    Cold Temperatures

    Can it cause thinning of new growth? In the day 70-75 but in the night during veg for six hours it may drop for a couple hours to 40/50. This problem will be resolved in a couple of days i'm not quite sure if this is the reason for thinning of the leaves *rubs chin*
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    Cold Temperatures

    Just wondering what affect can cold temperatures have on Marijuana plants?
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    My clone has 3 dead leafs now is this normal?

    You can run into walls if you want to, its a free world. As you said "rooted" clone i'm suggesting from what he said that when it was put into soil it was un-rooted. Also if the roots wasn't mature then putting it straight into certain soil would cause nute burn.
  8. G

    My clone has 3 dead leafs now is this normal?

    I'm not a expert but im not sure thats the right way think you need to put the clone into rockwool first? What soil are you using?
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    My clone has 3 dead leafs now is this normal?

    Ok next time you water, water a bit less then. Also everything above defo get some perlite
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    Leaves curling & new growth thin urgent help

    Anybody else got ideas on what the problem could be?
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    Calcium/Magnesium defiiciency?

    First thing i said when i looked at it was nute burn.
  12. G

    My clone has 3 dead leafs now is this normal?

    Your over watering it that's why the leaves look like that. Lay off the water for 48 hours maybe more if needed.
  13. G

    "thin" fingers on new leaves

    I'm experiencing the same problem did anybody find out the cause for the thinning of the new leaves ect?
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    Leaves curling & new growth thin urgent help

    Thank god for that! The affected leaves that curled up seem really dry like they have shriveled up a little :( I'm not 100 percent sure this is from water stress could it be because i haven't feed them any nutes? I'm using canna professional soil and was planning to use nutes 4 weeks into veg &...
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    Leaves curling & new growth thin urgent help

    Agree, i was feeding a little bit daily.. Now i know to feed every 2/3 days. Will the affected areas fully heal from water stress?
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    Leaves curling & new growth thin urgent help

    I have just moved my light further away as i felt they are just about to grow to close this definitely isn't the problem
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    Leaves curling & new growth thin urgent help

    No not feeding nutes as the soil im using has enough for the veg stage. Temp is around 70-74 and no lower than 60-64 at night. The PH is around 6.5-7 i won't have a ph tester till next week, as i said im using the ph drop tester for now but i'm not 100 percent confident that its accurate
  18. G

    Leaves curling & new growth thin urgent help

    I'm two and half weeks into veg and its been going fine until 3/4 days ago my plants new growth begin to get thin & curl I attached two pictures ( web cam, not the best quality, sorry! ) There is no discoloring and there pretty healthy apart from this problem that has occurred. I think it may...
  19. G

    New leaves thin & curled will this effect yield

    Thanks man that advice means a lot! Confusing but when your passionate about something you have a understanding! thanks a lot though this has helped
  20. G

    New leaves thin & curled will this effect yield

    I was planning to grow a extra two weeks in veg now because of this, that will even it all out?