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  1. K

    stealth scrog grow with cfl's

    I might update with some new pics tonight
  2. K

    stealth scrog grow with cfl's

    Thanks, the plant was originally topped only once, started off as a small stem topped to about 1" tall not much thicker than a toothpick, with 2 small shoots coming out each side of it. I guess i've got the SCROG method to thank for the amount of heads haha, I am quite happy with how it has...
  3. K

    stealth scrog grow with cfl's

    Should I be feeding nutrients more frequently now that its in flowering mode? Quite afew of the lower fan leaves are turning yellow and dropping off, I know this is normal but should I be feeding the plant more now to match the high demand for nutes?
  4. K

    stealth scrog grow with cfl's

    Why is miracle grow good for veg but not flowering? is it nitrogen rich or something?
  5. K

    stealth scrog grow with cfl's

    yeah you are right, it is the pistils i'm talking about. And thats good to hear that its normal, thanks for the help
  6. K

    stealth scrog grow with cfl's

    also some of the trichomes have brown tips and look kinda like theyve been singed by a lighter, wondered if this was from heat from the lights maybe? this happened quite early in the flowering stage. one of the leaves got a burnt tip but it was right up amongst the light tubes when this happened...
  7. K

    stealth scrog grow with cfl's

    And here are some recent pics
  8. K

    stealth scrog grow with cfl's

    Here are the pictures from the original post, when I first made the cabinet and put the plant in it.
  9. K

    stealth scrog grow with cfl's

    I'm having trouble uploading pics, when I go to add them it just does nothing when I click on the button, any ideas? And no, I now have 1x 23w and 2x 45w.I'm using yates flower and bloom liquid fertilizer and as for soil, I dug that up out of the back garden haha.This is my first grow so it is a...
  10. K

    stealth scrog grow with cfl's

    So im currently about 3 weeks into flowering and the plant is still alive and looks healthy to me although it has been through quite abit of stress, growth slowed dramatically and I soon found out how important it is to feed the plant nutrients, so with that problem sorted, the plant was growing...
  11. K

    stealth scrog grow with cfl's

    Ok so I started a thread awhile ago about my grow but only had 1 reply and didn't get many views as I think I started it in the rong part of the forums so I thought I would update my grow and re post in a better part of the forums, Here is my original post..."hey guys im new to the forums, and...
  12. K

    Stealth grow

    hey guys im new to the forums, and this is my first time growing too, I started off just planting a seed for the hell of it just to see what would happen, not knowing anything about the hours of light etc etc that these things need. The plant grew, and was relying on sunlight but ended up being...