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  1. joer1980

    1st Grow 400W MH/HPS Ebb & Flow

    Sorry, the last 5 pics are from the Flower tent. Cleaned all the equipment in the veg tent and got it ready for the new girls. No algae at all in the rez. I was happy to see that.
  2. joer1980

    1st Grow 400W MH/HPS Ebb & Flow

    Here are a few new pics. The first few I took in the veg tent minutes before I moved them to the flower tent. The last 4 pictures starting with the temp/humidity guage are the girls in their new home!! Also, I got two widow and one Kush that sprouted so far. Waiting on one more widow, 2 more...
  3. joer1980

    1st Grow 400W MH/HPS Ebb & Flow

    Gonna move these girls to flower tonight. So far I have 1 Kush and 1 Widow Sprout. Cant wait to get all the new stuff into Veg. I'll upload some new pics tonight.
  4. joer1980

    1st Grow 400W MH/HPS Ebb & Flow

    Thanks man. Yeah hulknugs is the man. He's helped me alot. Sweet dude, can't wait for your pics!
  5. joer1980

    1st Grow 400W MH/HPS Ebb & Flow

    That's what I've been doing here. Just updates and pics. Am I doing it wrong? Or am I just to stoned to understand what your saying? Lol
  6. joer1980

    1st Grow 400W MH/HPS Ebb & Flow

    2 Pictures from Thursday 2/26 They are growing every single day!! ALSO!!!! One of the KUSH seeds cracked!!! Im excited!!!
  7. joer1980

    1st Grow 400W MH/HPS Ebb & Flow

    Whats a thread grow? lol
  8. joer1980

    1st Grow 400W MH/HPS Ebb & Flow

    Sweet thanks man. I appreciate the help.
  9. joer1980

    1st Grow 400W MH/HPS Ebb & Flow

    Hey I just checked out their site. I put in my info for 4 weeks veg and 8 weeks flower for a 30 gallon resevoir. It says to use nutrients up to the final week of flower. Is this right? Ive read that some people stop using nutes a week or two before harvest. Which way should I do it?
  10. joer1980

    1st Grow 400W MH/HPS Ebb & Flow

    Yeah they gave me the H&G chart when I bought my nutes. I cut down the dosage that they recommend because it seemed to be a little to strong. Its been working great. I also got the Root Excel. That shit is no joke. Looks like freaking MUD. About $80 for the bottle, but WELL worth it. I'll...
  11. joer1980

    1st Grow 400W MH/HPS Ebb & Flow

    Thanks for the advice. Also, thanks for the comments.
  12. joer1980

    1st Grow 400W MH/HPS Ebb & Flow

    Thanks for the response. Well the House and Garden A & B that I have is used throughout flower too. I just meant things like shooting powder, bud xl, etc etc.
  13. joer1980

    1st Grow 400W MH/HPS Ebb & Flow

    I have a few questions about flowering:: 1.) When I switch these over to flower should I use full strength nutes right away? 2.) I heard that 40% humidity is perfect for flowering. Is it ok if I flucuate between 30%-43%? 3.) How many weeks into flower should I start adding flowering nutes? 4.)...
  14. joer1980

    1st Grow 400W MH/HPS Ebb & Flow

    Here's a little update guys. A few new pics. As you can see I fired up the Flower tent to see if everything was good to go. It couldnt be more ready!! The stalks on these girls are amazing!!! Also, I think the foilage is looking really green and healthy. What do you guys think?
  15. joer1980

    1st Grow 400W MH/HPS Ebb & Flow

    They are around 9''-10" now. Im thinking of sending them over to flower at 12". When my God Bud, Kush and Widows are ready, I'll let them get to about 18" before flower. These girls were kinda just a trial run for my 1st grow. I have about 4ft in my flowering room. That would still be room...
  16. joer1980

    1st Grow 400W MH/HPS Ebb & Flow

    Here's the pics of the requested light fixture. Also a pic of the girls... Day 18 Veg Hopefully they'll be ready for the flower tent by Friday or Saturday. Cant wait to get these babies under some Sodium Light. The flower tent is the same exact setup but has the Sodium instead of the Halide.
  17. joer1980

    1st Grow 400W MH/HPS Ebb & Flow

    Thank you very much!! Ok will do. I keep the light 12" to 18" away at all times. Seems to work pretty well. I'll get a picture of the light later on today. Just got the second tent for flower up and ready to go with the Sodium bulb. These babies should be ready in about a week to 10 days for...
  18. joer1980

    1st Grow 400W MH/HPS Ebb & Flow

    Here are two pics from today. They are growing quickly. How do they look?
  19. joer1980

    1st Grow 400W MH/HPS Ebb & Flow

    Thanks guys
  20. joer1980

    1st Grow 400W MH/HPS Ebb & Flow

    Should I start cutting off those big leaves or no? The only ones I trimmed off were the first two leaves. Are all of the other leaves needed?