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  1. Y

    when do i feed nutes?

    my plant is about a ft and about month and a half old.. i used half strength nutrient and seems the tips have nute burn.. when should i give it nutes?
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    plant stunt growth (pics)

    is the plant too small to start feeding nutes?
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    plant stunt growth (pics)

    the light could be too close.. but would that prevent it from growing?
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    plant stunt growth (pics)

    i water it every 2-3 with a spray bottle and usually just spray the surface of the soil
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    plant stunt growth (pics)

    i did just water then before the pic but they are usually droopy.. temp is usually 80.. hygrometer reads 50%.. using 4 cfl 42 watt
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    plant stunt growth (pics)

    first time grower.. no nutes.. for about a week the plant hasnt grown.. i was thinking underwater/overwater problem but im not sure.. the leaves seem crispy
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    ? watts per plant?

    about how many watts in a CFL per plant? what is too much?
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    small plant

    whats AN bloom? and you use that during flowering?
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    my first pc grow - will it work??

    looks pretty straight but you should have just germinated your seeds
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    small plant

    if you veg yours until 8in when do you feed nutes if you d
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    small plant

    someone told me that if i wanted a short plant i would have to stop veg and start flowering around 12 in to get a plant around 30 in.. is that true? how else could i keep my plant short but healthy
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    plant sex

    are you suppose to find the sex of the plant before you flower or does the sex show up a couple weed into flowering?
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    which nutes to use..

    what n-p-k should i look for during veg? same with flower
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    which nutes to use..

    would those nutes work for soil too?
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    which nutes to use..

    im new to growing and i was wondering when i should start to use nutes? also which nutes are good for the veg stage.. then the flowering stage
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    veg stage..

    yea i got you.. 1 question.. how many watts is ideal for say... 4-8 plants
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    how does the girl look?

    how far in do i place the plant when transplanted?
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    veg stage..

    not tall.. its in my room in a cabinet only 20 inches tall.. move it outside when it gets warmer.. and i dont think im going to clone because i havent had a successful grow yet
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    how does the girl look?

    i just watered it 2 days ago but no nutes yet
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    veg stage..

    right now im at the veg stage and im doing 24/0.. when do i know when to switch to flowering