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  1. P

    Scientists Urge testing and certification...

    I see the legislature and everyone before it talking about the importance of testing for mold. I see the testing labs claiming that most of the samples they see are contaminated. I don't see an epidemic of illnesses and infections stemming from our mmj program. I know the mold tests are only...
  2. P

    The law in play.

    Things look promising to me, at least in the house. I remained worried about the committee assignment to the senate after 4271 and 5401 pass. 660 doesn't seem threatening to me, at least in the near future. I can see how it's possible the cg model is done away with in the future because of it if...
  3. P

    dabbing, the crack ot pot?

    Still lovem', just had to learn my lesson about medibles the hard way.
  4. P

    dabbing, the crack ot pot?

    I don't understand how dabs could cause an overdose but for those who say you can't overdose on marijuana try eating five extremely potent edibles. I was always under the assumption that it would be similar to smoking you could only get so high, I was wrong. Whether or not calling it an overdose...
  5. P

    Battle creek dispensary raided

    Certainly looks like attempted tax evasion to me. The rest was just hypothetical because they're outright illegal. I was saying that, hypothetically, if p2p or dispensaries were legal that kind of money could be easily made while never exceeding plant counts or weight limits of just one person.
  6. P

    Gretchen Whitmer: Why it's time to decriminalize marijuana in Michigan

    Decriminalization is for possession. Without a legal method of manufacturing/dispensing caregivers would still be on the hook and patients/user access will still be limited. I guess it's not completely useless but it sure isn't legalization and it doesn't protect cgs.
  7. P

    License-plate scanners on cop cars: Crime-fighting tool or invasion of privacy?

    Reading our E-mail is an invasion of privacy, reading our license plate is not.
  8. P

    Gretchen Whitmer: Why it's time to decriminalize marijuana in Michigan

    Why doesn't she just push HB4271? Decriminalization isn't worth a shit to me.
  9. P

    Battle creek dispensary raided

    Well, they had a dispensary so it's obviously not in compliance. Say they were legal and they had a perpetual harvest using lean production techniques to harvest and sell 15oz/day they would make that $200k in a matter of months though.
  10. P

    "fast intro bill" advocates taking to capitol steps today!

    From what I've gathered this bill is nothing to worry about. It doesn't do anything unless the feds reschedule MJ. If that happens it still doesn't get rid of the patient/cg system. From what I've seen I have no worries in competing against them, provided I'm allowed to with the passage of HB4271.
  11. P

    "fast intro bill" advocates taking to capitol steps today!

    I browsed the bill, I didn't catch what was wrong with it. Are the licenses somehow limited?
  12. P

    anybody grow Longs Peak Blue by Rare Dankness?

    Very big, beautiful buds, meh on flavor.
  13. P

    Federal Tyranny must end!

    Government isn't at fault for the problems we're having. Our nation is filled with shitty citizens and that is why government is shitty. How many people simply vote party line no matter what? How many watch zero news let alone enough to be educated about the people that represent them? How many...
  14. P


    It is from what I can gather.
  15. P


    Kills them dead, and it's effectiveness persists for ~7 days. I can't quite tell how long it persists in plant tissues, you research abamectin (active ingredient) residue persistence.
  16. P

    need Info about becoming a caregiver. Already a patient

    The $10 is only for changing caregivers. Your certification center should handle/explain the paperwork for you if they're worth a shit.
  17. P

    Vermont Completely Nullifies Federal Hemp Ban

    I wonder what they consider the line between hemp and marijuana. If I was in Vermont I'd start up a farming company that grew the shittiest hemp on the market. It would have slender, non-fibrous stems, and gigantic flowers covered in trichs. I wonder how long it would take for market forces to...
  18. P

    Feds seek to legalize marijuana industry banking

    Ah sweet, so while I built my business by myself everyone else will be able to get loans to catch up. At least the banks will be able to make more money now. <sarcasm
  19. P

    Did you see what John McCain just said?

    McCain actually wants to end a war! Holy shit!
  20. P

    Provisioning Center (dispensary bill) HB 4271

    Only flowers and leaves count toward weight. Only flowers and leaves are useable. I believe this was thrown in so it didn't conflict with the MMMA/Caruthers. When asked about legalizing concentrates and preparations Callton said that to do so in HB4271 may be seen as HB4271 changing the MMMA...