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  1. MJG420

    420 harvest

    DAMN nice man!
  2. MJG420

    First Organic Grow!!!!

    Got my ventilation setup!!!! everything is working like a charm. I gave my little girl her first dose of flora nova bloom, 5ml/gal and put the HPS in and set the lights to 12 hrs. I have the fan setup right now to turn off with the lights cause I don't know how warm it will stay with it...
  3. MJG420

    First Organic Grow!!!!

    I will get pics for you a little later, gotts go now. With low humidity they will last 12-18 months, and the one I bought I paid $140.00 for it weights almost 20 pounds and takes up a shit ton of room in the top of my tent. It is working very well, fan is REALLY quiet, I can't hear it at all...
  4. MJG420

    First Organic Grow!!!!

    Just got home a little bit ago from the store. I got a Vortex fan rated at 177 CFM and I got an Ecoplus carbon filter. The total for both was over $300 but I got him to go down to $250 for it, I also got a bottle of flora nova Bloom. Getting ready to go set things up and give her her first...
  5. MJG420

    Medical Marijuana in Iowa?

    thats good to hear!!! I lived in MO and can care less about that state really but hell go for it!!!! I will be goin to the meeting for sure tuesday just got off da phone with my boss.
  6. MJG420

    Medical Marijuana in Iowa?

    OK so there is a sub-committee meeting Tuesday, March 10, at 2pm in the Iowa Senate Lobbyist Lounge in the State Capitol Building at East 12th & Grand, in Des Moines. I plan on going!!!! Will know for sure tomm if I am or not, tryin to get half the day off. Hope we get alot of support, Would...
  7. MJG420

    First Organic Grow!!!!

    Here Are a couple pics for u guys, I am goin to the store tomorrow to buy Flora Nova Bloom. Goin to look into an exaust fan, and carbon filter. Temps in the new tent are about 75-80 perfect!!!! only bad part is I have the bottom 2 vents open for air flow right now so I have major light leaks...
  8. MJG420

    First Organic Grow!!!!

    Got My tent today , just spent the better part of an hour and a half settin it up and movin everything over. It's just a bit smaller than I thought, but will be perfect for 4 plants. I am going to need to buy an exaust system now all I have for air flow is a little 6in desk fan, I think it...
  9. MJG420

    My first grow! Updated daily. 400 watt Ebb and Flow - White Berry

    Lookin good Doog!!! I am Turning back my lights this weekend
  10. MJG420

    First Organic Grow!!!!

    Was just down checkin in on shit and I noticed I now have leaves with 11 fingers!!!! I can't believe it. It is workin on its 10th node, i think I am gonna switch the lights this weekend. It is about 10-11 inches tall now, which is about perfect, can only get up to about 3-3 and 1/2 ft tall so...
  11. MJG420

    First Organic Grow!!!!

    I am staying in the Quentin England Hotel, I leave the U.S. on the 20th. add me as a friend on here
  12. MJG420

    First Organic Grow!!!!

    HELL YEAH DUDE!!!!!!!! I just bought and paid for my plane ticket, hotel and judges pass. Maybe we can meet up there, I would love to get one of the shirts your talking baout. Thanks for stoppin in
  13. MJG420

    First Organic Grow!!!!

    DAMN!!!!! that in itself should be illegal!!!!! LMAO j/k but yeah thats fucked
  14. MJG420

    First Organic Grow!!!!

    I dunno wut it is, I wish I did tho. Was some good shit I got from a buddie around here, paid 20/g for the shit. The 20/g is the standard for any bud you get that you can't build a house out of...LMAO I hate brick but it's a hell of alot cheaper than buyin that shit, I will only buy it from...
  15. MJG420

    Diesel Ryder 400 grow

    They are tryin to pass a bill here to legalize Medical Marijuana!!!! I hope it goes through!!!!!!!!
  16. MJG420

    First Organic Grow!!!!

    Finally got my Camera today!!! Heres some pics for ya guys
  17. MJG420

    First Organic Grow!!!!

    Things are lookin great today!!! I did make a couple changes, I put a fan in the grow area cause the temp was stayin about 85 all day. Set it on top of a box so it was closer to the light so I can cool it down a little bit. I also set my plant up on a box right under the light, I kinda had it...
  18. MJG420

    Medical Marijuana in Iowa?

  19. MJG420

    Medical Marijuana in Iowa?

    lol its all good, I guess they are goin for it again....hope it passes this time, although I didn't know they had tried before(kinda depressing to think of).
  20. MJG420

    Medical Marijuana in Iowa?

    I'd say thats dated all the way back to 2000 it says