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  1. B

    bagseed grow....noob looking for SERIOUS help.

    4 have sprouted now...yea hopefully i can get them under lights in next day or 2....grow location has kind of fukd up but we have a solution:idea: i was tinkin in between 6 to 7 weeks wat ya tink bout dat?? how long before i should be able to tell the sex of the plant??
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    40 Days of 12/12 - How am I doing? (PICS)

    them plants are looking B-E-A utiful ;-) respects for such a tasty looking grow and for a 1st attempt at growing. :weed: im new to growing aswel nd im just curious how much did dat set up cost you with the tent and all??? :clap:
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    bagseed grow....noob looking for SERIOUS help.

    alas.....the 1st few signs of life. 3 have sprouted so far :) how long before i should be able to tell the sex of the plant??? should i get these under cfls now nd if so is this where i start the veg stage??? let the fun begin :)
  4. B

    bagseed grow....noob looking for SERIOUS help.

    will that be enough to get my plants throu the veg stage....keep them 18/6 for the veg cycle yea???
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    bagseed grow....noob looking for SERIOUS help.

    hi all.... still no sign of life keeping soil moist and still have them inda windowsill with tin foil layerd on the walls. when they sprout hopefully put them under cfls and try get them throu veg stage succsefuly. any idea what watt cfls would be ideal......budget is quite limited. DAY 2 of...
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    bagseed grow....noob looking for SERIOUS help.

    i have been browseing this site endlessly the past couple weeks and also i have been intrested in growing my own bud the past year or 2 it was just never an option but im slowly starting to understand it bit by bit....but as they say pratice makes perfect so i am trying these bagseed to see what...
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    bagseed grow....noob looking for SERIOUS help.

    i just have them planted in muti purpose compost soil. im completey new to growing so is the growing medium the area or ?? so no watering until they have sproted.... how long beofre i should expect to see some life??? yea my budget would be quite low mabye $500 max..... i was thinkin of...
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    bagseed grow....noob looking for SERIOUS help.

    :joint: hi guys im starting to grow with 8 seeds (bagseed) that germinated nicely (roots wer half inch to and inch long) . i have just planted in small pots and i am growing in my windowsill. this is just and experament to get the feel of growing weed nd understanding the plant as i want to...
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    First Grow: Lemon Skunk in Bubbleponics

    100% rep for 1st grow .... im a noobie to growing and i would much prefer to go down the soil route but that is 1 amzing grow u having growing there. keep up the good work and i cant wait to see what you harvest af them babys =P ..... and just out of couriosity, how much did you pay for the...
  10. B

    Hi guys, im a noobie to growing marijuana. i am trying to learn as much as possible as i am...

    Hi guys, im a noobie to growing marijuana. i am trying to learn as much as possible as i am looking to set up and start my own grow room early next year. any advice on growing or ideal strains for a noobie would help. weed is all we need PEACE