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  1. S


    Wow dude take a step back a second... I don't wanna take sides; but you don't know what kind of info he might have. By jumping down his throat you too are being a "dickhead". At least hear him out...
  2. S

    Entrance door to new 6x6x6 grow room

    I would either go with panda or a pocket door like fireproof said. That is a really good idea to use if you can.
  3. S

    Using sand to prevent bugs in soil...?

    I thought I read somewhere that one can use sand or some other material to prevent bugs in the soil. Anyone do this? Thanks.
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    My Grow Tent

    HaHa!! there is no panda paper its black poly plastic that makes up the exterior of the tent. Mylar will be tapped to the inside walls and ceiling. Currently I have 4 White Widows growing, check em out here.... little...
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    My Grow Tent

    They are the standard shop lights. How would i figure out what T they are? I will look into SCROG, thanks. Currently the lights are about 2-3 inches from the plants and will be that close all the way through harvest. I think that after this harvest I will do some saving and look into the...
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    My Grow Tent

    I am looking into upgrading the lighting and am in the process of deciding between CFL's and HID. Cost verses output and such. I prefer to build things my self and a CFL hood is well within my range of skills to build cheaply. But then the output of HIDs is a big factor in going with them. I...
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    My Grow Tent

    I plan on doing that today all the walls floor and the cieling will be covered in a shiny new reflective material. gonna see what else my stores might have
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    how do they look? 2 week old White widow

    Here they are today. WOW how they have grown. Still super happy with how they look. I'll just see what happens from here on out. also figured I would take some pics with a ruler for measuring and reference later. They are in order from closest to farthest of the first pic.
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    My Grow Tent

    I would like some opinion on my set up... Prior to this site and the wealth of knowledge I had made the assumption that while using florescent, I would not get the yield of HID lights but I would still be able to produce a quality product. However now that I have read a little I am questioning...
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    how do they look? 2 week old White widow

    you can also raise the humidity by simply placing a bowl or bucket (depending on size of area) of water in the grow area. You can further increase it by adding a bubblier to the water to aerate it. This method how ever has many variables including exhaust speeds, overall temps, how wet your...
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    becomming a caregiver what does it mean?

    Yea the more I read up on the whole thing the less I want to be one. looks like i got in a crap hole with this one....
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    how do they look? 2 week old White widow

    well funny thing was that I added two bowls of water and my watering can and the Humidity went down to 48% lol. I think I am going to stick to my gut and leave the Humidity where its at. I did start from seed (did not think that of importance but now it makes sense) I think I rushed the...
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    becomming a caregiver what does it mean?

    Thanks for the link I had read that site but missed this info found at the following link at the very bottom of the page. I wish to be reimbursed for my services and time spent. Is this a common practice? If so can anyone help me...
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    how do they look? 2 week old White widow

    Cool thanks for the reassurance. I got them all buried up to the water leaves tonight so i will post a pic or two tomorrow. SC
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    how do they look? 2 week old White widow

    thanks for the compliments I thought they were kinda small but they all look really nice. I did find a small burn on one leaf but it was way small and at the very tip so i think it will be just fine. I will defiantly hold off on the nutrients for another two weeks. I will post some updated...
  16. S

    becomming a caregiver what does it mean?

    I am thinking about becoming a caregiver for a friend with his card. I have been trying to find info on what all this entails and how ti all works. I have read a few things but come up empty on answers. Basicly I am looking for an article or something that outlines; the requirements, who has...
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    how do they look? 2 week old White widow

    I started 4 WW seeds two weeks ago today. I have been watering every thee days with nutrients every other day. I am going to reduce watering to the recommended crusty top soil method starting now. soil temp (appx. 4"-6" from tube) holds around 80*-82* and air temp is holding at 76* I am...
  18. S

    My Grow Tent

    Sorry for large photos. What should I resize them to for forum quality viewing? I recently built a new grow tent (the old consisted of clear super thin plastic, and was very inefficient). The dimensions are 36"x56"x67" (WxLxH). Main construction consists of 2x4, 1/2" plywood, and 6 mil black...
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    Hi from the new guy

    thanks man. You can call me SC most people I deal with in the real world call me that as well. Anyway, I am currently enjoying mother earth but would like to one day go dual with a small hydro bed. Having been apart of a few other forums I understand the importance of searching for knowledge...
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    Hi from the new guy

    Just wanted to stop in and say hi to everyone. Little about me.... First time grower/provider from CO. Came here to learn from some seasoned growers and the mistakes of us newbees. Just finished construction on a 3'x56"x67" (WxLxH) grow tent, using a single 4 bulb 48" florescent fixture with...