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    Anybody growing Baaba selections afghan landrace strains?

    Im starting to grow out my Afghan landrace strains to look for some keepers. Anybody have any Baaba genetics they already grew out?
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    Afghan landrace genetics.

    My cloner and veg setup
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    Afghan landrace genetics.

    Baaba goes around Afghanistan collecting genetics and sends them to someone in the states to sell them.
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    Afghan landrace genetics.

    7 gallon
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    Afghan landrace genetics.

    bought five different Baaba strains and will be growing the 50 seeds out to find some good keepers. Not breeding any, only cloning. Also running a critical 2.0 and peyote og. Vegging in 4x4 tent with homemade cloner and hydroponic veg tote. Light is Mars hydro tws 2000. flowering in a 5x5 tent...
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    Electric Question's ? Maybe this will help....

    thanks sand i was thinking about the sub panel idea myself.
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    Electric Question's ? Maybe this will help....

    I have a isolated 220 v 50 amp circuit id like to use. Not a problem finding 220 grow lights but i do have a problem finding 220 everything else ie fans, water pumps. is there a way get 110 circuits out of my 220 and still keep it 220. I understand i can have 2 110 circuits but i dont want to...
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    New to growing, this is my setup..Will it work?

    congrads on you first setup. Just my two cents since you asked: tin foil is the worst for reflection. A can of flat white spray paint or a little panda film isnt that much money. And for lights your using 250 watts of cfls but for the money you spent on bulbs, power strips and cords you couldve...
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    need advice on a thermostat to use

    thanks randm im going to look into those when i go to home depot.
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    need advice on a thermostat to use

    thanks for the help. i think im going to go with this one: Im in the US so the UK wouldnt work for me.
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    need advice on a thermostat to use

    Id like to use the heat from my HPS bulb to heat my future grow op. Need advice for a reliable cheap thermostat to control my cooltube exhaust inline fan.
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    Seeds Smuggled from Afghanistan

    2 steps ahead dawg
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    Seeds Smuggled from Afghanistan

    heres the seeds and a little hash i found in my bag lol didnt have my camera on me when i looked at my plants but they are doing great ill try to get them up tomorrow also put 4 seedlings outside today in zone 7 to compare an inside and outside grow. using a mix of perlite compost and nuteless soil
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    Seeds Smuggled from Afghanistan

    I'd love to share some seeds leave me a message on here. I'll post a pic of the seeds I have and a recent pic of the plants tonight
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    Seeds Smuggled from Afghanistan

    Trust me Ive been there no way have or are now using holland genetics lol they get there seed from that years crop they don't pick males out of the field they don't care if it gets pollenated they don't smoke the bud they make hash. They farm like it's the 1800's highly dought they are involved...
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    Seeds Smuggled from Afghanistan

    to oregonmeds these seeds were from the southern part of the country its all farm land no mountains in the helmand river basin here are some pics taken about 4 days ago when you tilt the plants in the light you can see little sparkles on the leaves lol when these were grown in afghan they were...
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    Seeds Smuggled from Afghanistan

    Do the opium poppy look any different from regular ones will people be able to tell the difference if I have them landscaped in my yard lol
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    Seeds Smuggled from Afghanistan

    I'll put some pics up tomorrow I got 5 about 2 weeks old in a grow box the leaves are super wide and the growth nodes are extremely close together also got ahold of the poppy seed isn't it legal to grow poppy in the us??
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    Seeds Smuggled from Afghanistan

    I just got out of the military and while I was in Afghanistan I smuggled back about 500 seeds from southern Afghanistan in the Helmand provence. I was wondering what type of smoke can I expect from it and just some general info about the type of pot I have. I picked the buds from the fields and...