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  1. Boneman

    3 Word Story

    Call the vet
  2. Boneman

    Just passing thru. Hope all is well ;) Bonerman

    Just passing thru. Hope all is well ;) Bonerman
  3. Boneman

    3 Word Story

    With no fear
  4. Boneman

    3 Word Story

    prepare to clean
  5. Boneman

    3 Word Story

    bought Mr Nice
  6. Boneman

    3 Word Story

    Big fat bastards
  7. Boneman

    Should I flush or feed?

    Those original bottom leaves are gonna fade away. Stay on a feeding/watering regime and do 1/4 recommended dosage and if she likes it, bump it up slightly. Read up on the breeders recommendations (if any) and google the strain and read the different reviews.
  8. Boneman

    3 Word Story

    I am back :)
  9. Boneman

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    I like the nipples that point in different directions :hump:
  10. Boneman

    3 Word Story

    Got a dollar?
  11. Boneman

    3 Word Story

    from dealing pain
  12. Boneman

    Cheaper to Order through Attitude than Direct from Nirvana?

    Why is one clothing store cheaper than the other and where would you buy from? supply and demand, power of volume sales yada yada yada. Buy from who you want and feel safe with.
  13. Boneman

    letter from the white house i received today

    Obama is the biggest loser prez the USA has EVER had
  14. Boneman

    Lost interest in smoking weed?

    Get a job :hump:
  15. Boneman

    3 Word Story

    Have no fear
  16. Boneman

    3 Word Story

    Big hairy nipples
  17. Boneman

    3 Word Story

    For a surprise
  18. Boneman

    3 Word Story

    A hairy ass :spew:
  19. Boneman

    3 Word Story

    A bearded taco :hump: