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  1. thccbdhealth

    Club 315w lec

    What did you get your units for? Share a link?
  2. thccbdhealth

    Club 315w lec

    Where do you get a 2x3 foor print? My current 315cmh is vertical in an 18"x18" hood..
  3. thccbdhealth

    Club 315w lec

    Ok so given a 4x8 Would you advise to go with 3 315cmh's 3100,4200,3100k? Or with 2 600w hortilux super hps with a cmh centered between them?
  4. thccbdhealth

    All BS set aside CMH yields

    How are you finding the auto pots? Are you noticing any salt build up from the bottom feed only? Also wondering what your guys thoughts are on the Hortilux 600w Ceramic HPS?
  5. thccbdhealth

    Hortilux Ceramic HPS

    where did you buy it? and are they still including the other bulb? Looking on their site all their retailers are in the states. @The high chief @dbkick Where did you find it for $400.00. I currently have a 315cmh and need more light... Im thinking this would be a better flowering light, and...
  6. thccbdhealth

    The Dons' Organic Garden

    ohh I'm counting down my days.
  7. thccbdhealth

    New Promo: 40 Premium Royal Queen Seeds Up For Grabs!

    Id be in aswell; But It Is Closed
  8. thccbdhealth

    Club 315w lec

    And after stench your running the 4 bulbs? I was initially asking about fixture layout..spacing/distribution.
  9. thccbdhealth

    Club 315w lec

    Your math is out to lunch.... 8 oz- 224 / 315cmh = 0.71111111 my first run with the bulb was 302g/315cmh=0.9487 And yet there are others getting 448g a bulb for 1.422222
  10. thccbdhealth

    Wondering about this light on amazon...

    And its probably false advertising like most led's on the market.... look at some companies that ARE formed consisting on members on this site.. horticulture lighting group would be one of them.
  11. thccbdhealth

    Club 315w lec

    How do you have the fixtures arranged for equale light distribution?
  12. thccbdhealth

    Growth rate after topping and then flowering after a week

    well from that inital 2 feet, 24" - you typically see the plant stretch, sometimes 100% sometimes 200% based on what looks to be 9 - 9.3w led bulbs....83.7w for that plant... I think you'll be lucky if you see that plant reach the 24" again given the light, and reflective material. maybe try...
  13. thccbdhealth

    Black Market your finds LP buyers what they won't get

    Mmmm Thanks Tweed. Clean unadulterated mediation, free from pesticides, fungicides and other unknown poisons. such a review; they will never receive.
  14. thccbdhealth

    Cannabis Alchemy

    Guess Again.... 1/4 LBS - 4 LBS -
  15. thccbdhealth

    Cannabis Alchemy

    are you looking into obtaining the new version of his unit from 1972?
  16. thccbdhealth

    Wondering about this light on amazon...
  17. thccbdhealth

    Wondering about this light on amazon...

    Dont make that Mistake, Get this instead and never look back..
  18. thccbdhealth

    Edible recipes.

    Vegan... do share.
  19. thccbdhealth

    ACMPR - wait times

    They created the system; yet they blame the system