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  1. scough


    just using some Foxfarm ocean potting soil with a layer of hydroton on top to promote surface roots........keeping it simple now..........
  2. scough

    scough problems!!!!

    yeah........put some hydroton pebbles on top of soil so that the roots could grow all the way up without being damaged (due to light or temps) about it so i tried worked great......when i transplanted from 5" net pots, and poured off the hydroton, i could see surface...
  3. scough


    only been a couple days since my last post (3 females tied down!), and the growth of my plants is amazing........included some new pics............also looks like my clones are finally starting to get some new growth.......wondering how long they need to go before flowering is induced to all my...
  4. scough

    3 females tied down!

    just discovered that all my plants are females!!!!........wanted to promote inner growth without pruning, so i bent my plants down........first time doing this so im wondering if they look alright.......should i tie down more???maybe later when more branches form??? or just leave it as is????any...
  5. scough

    scough problems!!!!

    will do........just identified all three big ones as girls!!!! thought at least one was male for sure.........just tied down branches yesterday to try to promote some inner growth istead of topping again.....should fill my little area nicely..........waiting for clones to start getting...
  6. scough

    scough problems!!!!

    only been a couple days.........seems much better already.........must have been that root stimuator........i'll make sure to lay off it next time........
  7. scough

    scough problems!!!!

    thanks. makes sense.
  8. scough

    pinching the top of the plant?

    as long as it was pinched off at the 4th internode or above, it shoud encourage growth along the lower sideshoots, making it bushier. this will slow down the plant while it recovers because it redirects its nutrient supply to the other lower branches, which replace what was cut off.
  9. scough

    nutrients or lighting???!!!!OG x Master clones

    got these clones and had to keep them in my closet for about a day, then was able to transplant them into 5" net pots with foxfarm ocean potting soil......sprinkled some root stimulator after making a hole for the rockwool cube to fit into......the roots still looked healthy when i transplanted...
  10. scough

    scough problems!!!!

    here are pics of my strawberry cough....having problems with the bottom leaves........been like this for over a week.........just transplanted them bout a week ago.....want to start flowering in the next couple, but need to fix this problem first.....flushed a little a couple days ago, but only...
  11. scough

    Fair Lady in Trouble??

    Have NO CLUE what is going on with the bottom pair of leaves on my plants. this one shows it the worst. Just transplanted them last week into fresh new Foxfarm ocean potting soil, with hydroton on top to help surface roots. problem was that after watering them, no one checked the drainage for...