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  1. Macko

    What Is It That You Love?

    I love my boyfriend. I love my Amazon Kindle. I love my brand new vibrator that my boyfriend gave me last week.
  2. Macko

    Fictional Characters You Know Are On Drugs

    Jughead. His eyes are always nearly shut and he's constantly having the munchies for burgers.
  3. Macko

    Sex while High (Poll)

    I love to have sex while I'm stoned and so does my boyfriend! When I'm stoned, it's like every nerve in my body is way more sensitive, and sometimes, when my boyfriend touches me a certain way or on a certain spot, it's like the nerves keep sending signals from the same spot even though he's...
  4. Macko

    Regular drug dealers VS MJ Dispensaries

    Dispensaries have posted hours, and they stick to them. Of the dealers I've dealt with, they'll tell you that they'll deliver your weed at 3pm, but arrive at 6pm. Or they'll tell you "Yeah, come by. I'll be here for the next 4 hours." Then when you get to their house a half an hour later...
  5. Macko

    Unusual Sexual Issue

    Sometimes, guys get so used to the feeling of their own hand, that they have a hard time reaching their "peak" by the feeling of a woman's vagina. This is understandable, of course, because no vagina can ever match the tight grip of your own hand! The best thing to do is to stop masturbating -...
  6. Macko

    Crazy Sex Stories. No Fake Stories Please.

    My boyfriend and I share a 2 bedroom house. Once, my sister and my nephew (4 years old) visited us and stayed in the spare bedroom. It was late afternoon, and when my boyfriend and I got home from a hike, we walked by the spare bedroom and saw that my sister and nephew were asleep, so we knew...
  7. Macko

    What do you think up when you're high????

    I think about having sex with my boyfriend.:wink: