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  1. C

    Yo man Fuck hows your grow going ? lol I just remembered about you cuz u were in my friend list...

    Yo man Fuck hows your grow going ? lol I just remembered about you cuz u were in my friend list. Mayne its been a while Wats up
  2. C

    Armed with scissor and impatientience

    Damn hooked thats a good idea . I have one of those things just laying around . Is it possible to have no fan and just leave the top off the whole time ?
  3. C

    Pablo's Socal Balcony Grow

    That is Awesome! Looks like those two are gonna yield better than last time huh ? Pablo i envy you lol . Just look at that bud! Perfect shot man now im waiting for the harvest pics! haha
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    Pablo's Socal Balcony Grow

    I dont mean to be a dick , but next time when you take a pic Can you take some from the side ? The top looks sexy no doubt and nice color But i wana see that bud in the middle :D Anyways good job on the grow pablo Hope those other strain do ya good too. Thanks in advance! Catch u later homez
  5. C

    outdoor grow vs indoor grow

    really i dont believe he ever said that? and i watch both of them frequently . He also says its better because you dont need hydro set ups , lights , timers ,pots etc. "and all that other complicated stuff,all you need is good soil , good sunlight and a good spot" Anyways you don't need jorge...
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    Herbies Head shop Question

    Nooo Nooo This was all my mistake somebody in my house had it :( those fuckers! good service . I live in canada and it came within 4 days i believe (at least thats wat they said but i believe them) ..Im gonna buy another batch of seeds from these guys . Very stealthy wont matter where u are ...
  7. C

    **First Grow Season 2010 BEGINS**

    pulling up a chair for this thread gunner , this looks like its gonna be an awesome grow! and you got 3 more beans that are gonna be grown ? Bravo gunner lol Good luck with everything buddy And to answer your question about autos , They usually show sex within a month from seed and how long has...
  8. C

    2010 Purple Widow Outdoor Grow

    Yess purple widow grows are so rare nowadays, im going to get some either 2moro or the day after (good prices). I've heard only good things from purple widow , Good beginner strain ..Very bushy and large And also Potent And Also GOOD yielder! Good luck with your grow man im starting mine a...
  9. C

    New canadian law.

    Ahhhhhhhh man that sucks and it wont even be my first offense but fucking fuck that sucks Never been to the states but cops here are dicks cuz they think their tough and always cocky makes me wana grab that gun out of his holster and blast him.
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    James' CFL Indoor Grow

    lemme guess you got the seeds from herbies ?
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    You Know your Smoking on Some Good Shit when...

    ...when your waiting for your slice to warm up in pizza pizza and pass out for a quarter-second and then fall on some guy that was chillin with his girl and the whole store is staring you down so you kinda screwed yourself because now you cant sit down peacefully because they will all stare at you!
  12. C

    Help with drying.

    its been over-dried? its all crumbly and doesn't look so great right? what i heard people do is they cure again but this time you put something moist into the jar like pieces of cut carrots (because their moist) and it will pass the wetness into the bud and it wont be all over dried ....Its...
  13. C

    My First Grow... Outdoor on tight budget

    just went through this thread and tht outdoor plant looks good. And for that inside grow , i cant believe nobody said this yet...but please get rid of the aluminum foil because it will burn your plants and could kill them , if you want reflective walls then just paint it with Flat White Paint or...
  14. C

    thats awesome man hope it was wat you expected it to be ,,,sadly im not so into autos right now...

    thats awesome man hope it was wat you expected it to be ,,,sadly im not so into autos right now because money is an issue i had some Easy Ryder and Diesel Ryder Seeds but i cant fucking find him which sucks . And now im just thinking of getting some cheap outdoor strains because the last frost...
  15. C

    hello thanks for sending me that message ? lol and seeing from your wall here im pretty sure im...

    hello thanks for sending me that message ? lol and seeing from your wall here im pretty sure im not the only one that got it but anyways thats fucked up , such a sexy girl with a criminal record (if thats you ) it aint right you know . im not in us But its not just the us the whole world is...
  16. C

    Sunlight question

    the best plants grow with at least 5-6 hours of mid-day sunlight dont even worry about it bud plus im sure its gonna get warmer and your gonna get more sun soon! Good luck homez , peace
  17. C

    2plants 1pot

    I've seen someone with your problem and then all they did was just grab something like a side from a cardboard box and then just split it into the middle , get what i mean jellybean? lol so the roots wont be able to pass it just split the container into two sides , and you will have yourself a...
  18. C

    when to start outdoor

    What you want is a crapload of autoflowering strains , autoflowering strains finish from 2 and a half months from seed and start flowering 3 to 4 weeks after being planted... they dont yield as much as normal photoperiod strains but good for beginners ... these little fuckers mostly take care of...
  19. C

    What should I grow?

    you might want to research about it on google ..see what you can find... and also what were the characteristics of the "Aurora Indica" on the site?