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  1. hazee

    Roots fully submerged in water - cut them or not? (Pics)

    Whats the rez temp? Is your pump on a timer? Does that water sit without oxygenation: no airstones? How does that top tub rest on top of your pump? Are those just rubbermaids?... Maybe I can add a bottom rez to mine... Sorry about all the questions but the answer depends on what your temp/DO...
  2. hazee

    Aeroponic Tub Setup (1000w)

    I've seen them at OSH and I believe Home Depot has them as well. I was thinking about using those next time. Mitus, Do you know the dimensions for the toughboxes you have?
  3. hazee

    Sick NoCal Festival!!! Belden, CA. Check it out.
  4. hazee

    N deficiency or nute burn?

    So... I think everything is good now. The kids are at [pH 5.8 ppm 500]. Soon I'll bump it up to 750. Right now I have one 290gph pump for the mister setup in the rez and then an ecoplus air-4 with a couple air stones attached. It seems to work really well. Only thing is now my temps go up twice...
  5. hazee

    Hydroponics Question and Answer NewGrowth Style

    Would (3) 4inch airstones do in a 17 gal rez?
  6. hazee

    Hydroponics Question and Answer NewGrowth Style

    NewGrowth, I have a rez with a 290gph ecoplus pump running water through my mister setup 15min on - 30 min off. It is 6.5 gal rubbermaid. Do you think I would need another smaller pump with tubing and airstones connected? What would I need? ThankS!
  7. hazee

    medical marijuana

  8. hazee

    Tri Meters

    I use It works well. Only ever had to calibrate once every couple weeks. I store it with a little 7 buffer in the cap. The cables it has are long so I mounted it outside my grow closet as well. The ones you are looking...
  9. hazee

    N deficiency or nute burn?

    Cool, ima switch that tonight. One thing though, It's ok for me to have 2 pumps in my rez, 1 that is pumping to the misters with the other running my 3 air stones... can I do 3 air stones off one pump? Tomorrow my plants will be at about 500 ppm and so they will ease into it.... slow and steady...
  10. hazee

    N deficiency or nute burn?

    Alright, So my ppm is at 400 now. In a couple of days depending on how they do, ill up it to 700. My rockwool stays dry now so I took the mylar off on the bigger plants. Would a time for the misters like 15 on - 30 off minutes work?
  11. hazee

    N deficiency or nute burn?

    Growinman, Yes, I have a pH and ppm meter, it's a hanna combo one. My current pH is 5.7 ppm is 180. The ppm has never run more than 250 and my pH has stayed between 5.5-6.0. The pics of my plants are at the first part of the thread. I haven't had much time to start with a journal but I will...
  12. hazee

    N deficiency or nute burn?

    Sorry, guess I wasn't too clear in my first post. My plants are planted in 3" rockwool surrounded by hydroton. They are being misted through a pvc setup in-rez with a 200gph pump intermittently (15on--45off minutes). I have an oscillating fan on them and a fan blowing fresh air in. Does the...
  13. hazee

    N deficiency or nute burn?

    Could I just not be giving enough nutes? Is it ok to add some FF Grow Big and let the ppm go up to see how they do?
  14. hazee

    N deficiency or nute burn?

    My roots are all just poking through the net pots, some extend 6" +. Temps are almost always below 70 F. I did use about 12 Ml of Hygrozyme for a flush... scared of pythium.. although I have heard that can also negatively affect your plants as you are mixing in enzymes. Possibility?
  15. hazee

    N deficiency or nute burn?

    No red stems. This is really only two leaves that are yellow though, not too widespread...
  16. hazee

    N deficiency or nute burn?

    Any help would be really appreciated. This is my first grow and so far everything has seemed alright. Now there is yellowing, curling of the leaves and overall drooping. My plants are 1 week into veg. They are misted 15 minutes on -- 45 minutes off in a rubbermaid with a 6.5gal rez. I keep...
  17. hazee

    I need your help! Aero plant issues

    Hey, THANKS man! This thread has saved my girls for sure, ++Rep and your post was really comprehensive. Yeah, I went at it kind of haphazardly in the beginning. Now I think everything is almost down, and I've learned an insane amount in a couple weeks plus the plants are still alive. I...
  18. hazee

    I need your help! Aero plant issues

    Actually now the 2 larger plants have about 3' roots extending from the net pots. I just put the seedlings in Waayy too soon. I got anxious. Right now the rockwool mostly stays dry as the hydroton wicks the water to it from the mist. Now I have about 5 more seeded and roots coming out of the...
  19. hazee

    I need your help! Aero plant issues

    I have started to look into a water chiller for my 18gallon rubbermaid. I guess I would just cut two holes in the side and hook up piping connecting the pump with the mister system. Only problem is... I have a 260 gph pump in 7gal of water. And the only chiller I can find that in my price...
  20. hazee

    I need your help! Aero plant issues

    OK. Thanks man. At first my rez was exactly 69 deg but now its jumped up to 72 or 73 when I check it. Damn you SoCal spring weather!!! I do have some Hygrozyme... could I start adding that to prevent root rot? Or will the temps ruin my plants?