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  1. hazee

    I need your help! Aero plant issues

    Hello Everyone! This is my first grow. I am a total noob. I've always been a fan and now I have my own place to make it happen. So I have a grow from seed that has been going on for 20 days now. At first I had serious pH fluctuation and a high ppm ~550. I realized tap water was killing my...
  2. hazee

    My first closet Grow--

    2 More pics, both a little larger. I can't seem to get the pictures rotated right, tooo stoned..
  3. hazee

    My first closet Grow--

    Hey everyone. I'm new to rollitup and to indoor growing. all feedback is appreciated on this grow and hopefully I will be able to also answer some Q's as well. Mainly, I used Filthy Fletchs 30 min aero build along with a lot of info from Al B. Fuct to build my grow closet. The seeds I ordered...
  4. hazee

    Growing in a Secret Closet

    Green Giant, Just wondering, what did you ever do to vent your closet? I have a similar setup coming along and the only remaining issue is my airflow.