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  1. bagseedchamp


    thanks guys...i water every two days..when ever i touch the soul its really dry so i water. is there anything you can suggest i do differently?
  2. bagseedchamp


    any takes on this?
  3. bagseedchamp


    hey guys this is my first grow and i am currently in veg state...i noticed my plants are curling down..ive done alot of research and i think its a mag def...currently using foxfarm nutes and soil...posting pics..
  4. bagseedchamp

    Expert Help Needed

    hey guys quick an indica growing...can i prune the plant or just let it grow as is? how can i get the plant to get a little taller?? if i move the light higher will this cause the plant to stretch for the light? using 25owtt mh buld for veg...plant is still in veg stage..:clap::clap:
  5. bagseedchamp

    pruning indica?

    hey guys, got a plant from a buddy of mine but when i got it i was unsure if its a sativa or buddy didnt knw either..kinda new to this...after a lil bit of research i found out its an heres the question:wall::?:??? is it a good idea to prune indica plants? if so how...