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  1. M

    watering plants with coffee?

    whats the problem? did i harm it?
  2. M

    watering plants with coffee?

    what? is it bad?
  3. M

    what sex is this and what strain is it

    well it's hard to tell because the pics suck...but it looks female from what i can make out.
  4. M

    do plants need DIRECT sunlight?

    ok so the other day i transplanted my plant to a spot in my backyard where it cannot be seen. but the problem is, there is a big tree a couple feet away where the branches (leaves and stuff) are blocking sunlight. now there is green bushes and vegetation back there, so i assumed there would be...
  5. M

    watering plants with coffee?

    not talking coffee grinds, i'm talking actual coffee - you know, the stuff you drink.
  6. M

    watering plants with coffee?

  7. M

    watering plants with coffee?

    good question. i don't even know what i as thinking. i just remember hearing somewhere that marijuana likes caffeine and coffee made sense at the time.
  8. M

    watering plants with coffee?

    the other day i made some coffee from left over coffee grinds and watered my plants with it, hoping for the caffeine to help growth. but only after did i realize that coffee is really acidic and i might've done some real damage. i did dilute the coffee with a little bit of water...
  9. M

    Do plants need DIRECT sunlight?

    ok so the other day i transplanted my plant to a spot in my backyard where it cannot be seen. but the problem is, there is a big tree a couple feet away where the branches (leaves and stuff) are blocking sunlight. now there is green bushes and vegetation back there, so i assumed...