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  1. K

    How to stay legal in Michigan

    i waited almost three years before getting my recomendation here in mich. wanted to see how people and law enforcement handled it. Ive seen people do some stupid shit and lose that privelidge. I can easily keep myself in the legal limits for myself with the 12 plants and 2.5 oz. I just keep 2...
  2. K

    seeds in the U.S.

    has anyone started a seed bank here in US yet would love to get some nice strains with no risk
  3. K

    To flush or not to flush?

    gonna try one for a week and one for two < dont think i can hold out longer than that first harvest ever and dying to try but refuse to quick dry anything (yuck) the scissor hash was a knockout tho. Prolly really gonna cure till the hay smell is gone.
  4. K

    questions and answers

    lol irieie yolu hit the nail on the head I am liiking for the whys. I truly cannot find the whys of how people do it the way they do. I am not usually this anal but this growing thing really intrigues me and want to learn all i can. WOW I cant spell tonite lol.
  5. K

    To flush or not to flush?

    Just a thought while in lala land in soil can u truly flush. seems to me that if your in soil no matter how much you run through that pot there are still lil guys in there eat and shittin causin nute production. and can you really get all the salts out or is it just an attemp to get out as much...
  6. K

    questions and answers

    Just an observation but it seems to almost 90% of the time when someone askes a question people answer it with how they do things. I would love to hear WHY you folks do it the way you do. Not with a big scientific explanation that makes no sense but in laymans terms or as i refer to it as speak...
  7. K

    Help! Spider mites all over my buds!

    EcoSmart garden pesticide from home depot about 6 bucks. Check out the ingredients Rosemary oil ( primary ingredient in sns217 at 60 a bottle yeah right) clove oil thyme oil and dishsoap basically works just as well as any other high priced and overhyped product and in conjuction with a hot...
  8. K

    Do You Stare at Your Plants?

    ha ha I thought i was the only wierd on I cant wait till 8pm hits every night so i can open the door tend to the girls then sit back with a fat one and one of my six stringed friends and just pick away while enjoying the beauty of mother natures finest. Sometimes the wife will have to come and...
  9. K

    ive got a male

    One of my afghani plants is showing def signs of being a male. I grew these from seed and they are 7 weeks old and showing sex 5 out of 6 female and 1 male. My question is will this male if kept under 24/7 produce pollen. Ive been told yes but find it hard to believe and cant find answer so im...
  10. K

    feral cats pooping in the garden.. lol

    Hate to say it cuz i am an animal lover but also a hunter and feral cats do nothin but spread disease. Call animal control if you cant do it but get rid of em. I always get rid of em when i see em in the woods or in the hood. A lil crossbow works great.
  11. K

    first grow tell me what you think

    Hey guys thanx for the props. wasnt lookin for em but thanx again. Was really hoping some of you master growers could spot anything i need to correct or just if the girls look like their doin ok. Im not tryin for no monsters just keepin in my legal limits with as little expendiature as possible...
  12. K

    first grow tell me what you think

    really 37 views and only 1 reply lol. I really want some opinions hell ill even take the sarcastic ones lol
  13. K

    first grow tell me what you think

    thanx meta nice to hear from someone other than friends and family lol
  14. K

    first grow tell me what you think

    just to clarify in bloom Grandaddy purps and in veg og afghani the GDP are from clones from a friend and the afghani from seed. The GDP been in bloom 1 month under 400w HPS afghani 1 month old today under cfl. Fox Farm ocean floor and my own modified lucas
  15. K

    first grow tell me what you think

  16. K

    Kern County, CA to Ban Dispensaries, Outdoor growing...

    good old bakersfield lived there from 13 to 20 yrs old (moved there from LA in 1980) Joined the army just to get the hell out of there lol. I go back at least once a year and it aint gettin any better and by the sound of this its getting worse.
  17. K

    hey folks new grower here. Found you while scouring the internet for spider mite cures. Although...

    hey folks new grower here. Found you while scouring the internet for spider mite cures. Although new to grrowing for myself I have been Helping and learning from friends for years. Anyhoo wha ive found works reall good is EcoSmart garden insecticide at Home Depot has rosemary ( which is what...