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  1. easygreen

    fucken buds grew heaps in the first few weeks of veg. meant to say flowering here in...

    fucken buds grew heaps in the first few weeks of veg. meant to say flowering here in previous msg
  2. easygreen

    hey man this is my first grow as well so im not sure how imformative im gona be, but anyway i...

    hey man this is my first grow as well so im not sure how imformative im gona be, but anyway i just kept it as simple as i could im using dutch master advance for veg and flowering but that is wat come with the setup when i bought it and have been preety happy with it so far, and i feed 3 times a...
  3. easygreen

    5 weeks into flowering and almost seems ready to harvest????????????

    am going to order a microscope now and do it that way, seems foolproof thanks everyone:bigjoint:
  4. easygreen

    5 weeks into flowering and almost seems ready to harvest????????????

    sweet as ppl will wait at least 3 more weeks, this is my first grow so was a bit spun out when seen the red hairs so early when my other plants only have a few red hairs on the lower buds.:bigjoint:
  5. easygreen

    5 weeks into flowering and almost seems ready to harvest????????????

    i have 4 plants in there 5th week of flowering at moment all the same strain (ice) and 1 seems like its almost ready to harvest. most buds on this plant are 50/50 red to white hairs and the funny thing is its half the size of all my others and seems the most chronic. just wondering wat ppl...
  6. easygreen

    DONT FORGET N.S.W (aus)

    super hot weekend dont forget to take the right pre cautions we are expecting 45 degrees in west 35 degrees around city. you dont wanna lose your bitches do ya.
  7. easygreen

    nute burn are they able to be saved 'pics'

    i hope they come through, these are the plants they come hopefully all good
  8. easygreen

    nute burn are they able to be saved 'pics'

    sweet thanks man what you reakon about the purple stems you think i need anything for that
  9. easygreen

    nute burn are they able to be saved 'pics'

    im a first time grower and a week ago i stupidly added nutes to my 2 week old clones and now 'see below' it look like some are on there last legs should i have trimmed the dead leaf????? and do you think these guys will make it i have flushed them twice now and are jst giving them straight 5.5...
  10. easygreen

    What can you do with the trimmings?

    look at this youtube clip if ya wanna see one way of smokin hash oil
  11. easygreen

    What can you do with the trimmings?

    you smoke it between 2 hot knives or ive seen a bong made for smokin it, hard to explain but very worth a look into makin it its got very high levels of thc in it so you dont need much to put you on your arse
  12. easygreen

    What can you do with the trimmings?

    might not taste the best but you will be wacked
  13. easygreen

    What can you do with the trimmings?

    never heard of cannibutter before wat is it a butter used for reciepes with hash in it? you could use hash oil for sure in your reciepes
  14. easygreen

    What can you do with the trimmings?

    hash oil look up youtube 'how to make hash oil' its one of the first vids that come up
  15. easygreen

    Grow Tent Off Gassing Australia

    where abouts are you man i live in sydney and have a 2m x 2m x 2m tent i wanna get rid off i have had no problems with it all only 3mths old
  16. easygreen

    wats goin on man nice pics wat strain you growin

    wats goin on man nice pics wat strain you growin
  17. easygreen

    Nutrient Additives during Flowering

    just wondering what additives is good for my plants through flowering, what helps to give me harder, crystlier buds???????????????:weed:
  18. easygreen

    Should I flower now (pics)?

    put under HPS those stems dont look like they will hold shit, your plant should have that many leaves after 3 days sorry man they look like shit
  19. easygreen

    just wondering

  20. easygreen

    1 week without the green
