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  1. scottk

    1st thread in a while, >pics<

    Mint girls dude!! the pics i kept getting whiplash flicking my head around :)) +rep
  2. scottk

    first grow

    thanks guys ... no doubt i will have those pics for you in a couple of months :) scott
  3. scottk

    First Grow Malawi Gold, Alaskan Ice, Blue Cheese, Arjans Haze #2, and White Rhino

    looking awsome dude!! just wondering why didnt you just plant them in the garden... more room for roots , less of a chance them talling over. just a thought.
  4. scottk

    first grow

    Thanks dude!! feels good to know your heading in the right direction :) These are bag seeds can anyone tell me what straines they are? all i can say is the 3 girls are all different. one with skinny leaves and purple tint to the top of branches; ones got huge leaves and the others a bit...
  5. scottk

    first grow

    still vegging waiting waiting a bit more for the third to catch up. scott
  6. scottk

    nice pics dude im gonna try a bubbleponic grow next.

    nice pics dude im gonna try a bubbleponic grow next.
  7. scottk

    first grow

    dude thanks for the input ...was wondering about the curling on the tips ... was confusing me one girl went up one girl went down and one was depressed. i repotted the depressed one the gave them a good flush. Question for you guys- and yes i went a bought a moisture meter so much easier...
  8. scottk

    first grow

    Hey guys, just another update... my girls were looking abit sad the other day so flushed with heaps of water and they have bounced back well. they have loads of pistils i'll be switching the lights on monday. then grow me some phat nuggets. scott
  9. scottk

    first grow

    hey all a few days on ... sniped 2 lower branches off the bigger girls and 1 off the one in the bucket. They range fom 6" - 10",with about 4 sets of leaves. put em in water and we'll see what happens :)
  10. scottk

    first grow

    A question for some one ... im thinking of sniping a few clones from the lower laterals, been reading a bit and the lower branches yeild less, do you think this is a good idea or could i do some thing else. i dont really have any dead line, the only issue would be ... do i have enough light for...
  11. scottk

    first grow

    Yer that was because of the fluro, they love the hps just gota watch for burning. lights about 1 1/2 to 2 feet away at the moment. Temp ranges between 25-29C. And yer those 12litre or 3 gallon buckets filled up pretty fast. Im gona veg for a couple more weeks then switch me thinks. Scott
  12. scottk

    first grow

    A few more pics...
  13. scottk

    first grow

    sweet dude thats good to know :)
  14. scottk

    first grow

    And a few more... Enjoy Scott
  15. scottk

    first grow

    hey guys first time. 4 plants raised from seed in my ceiling space. 5 foot fluro with 58w cool whites. (changed to 58w growlux at about day 15). HPS 600w (changed to at day 41). Ducted air in with extacting fan from out side plus table fan for strengthing the stems. nutes - lush from yates...