Search results

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    Hawaii Growers

    I always use dolomite when mixing my soil, but should I add more dolomite to compensate for the acidic nature of the Ocean Forest? Also is it possible to add to much dolomite and what are the consequences?
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    Hawaii Growers

    Do you think all the Fox Farms Ocean Forest Soil that is sold in Hawaii come out of the same batch? I have a bag of Ocean Forest soil that I purchased last October from Ace Hardware and was wondering if I should you that soil? Did you buy your Ocean Forest from Ace or from a grow store? I am...
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    Barneys Farm LSD Phenotype?

    What Barneys Farm LSD phenotype is the best to keep and clone? I have one LSD that has only 5 finger leafs and almost all the pictures that I see of the LSD is showing 7 finger leafs. Also the phenotype that I have stretches about 3 times that original size when put into flowering. Is the...
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    Barney's Farm LSD Feminized

    Does the good phenotype a 5 finger or 7 finger leaf? I have seen most of the pics here have the 7 finger leaf and my plant is the 5 leaf strain but it does stretch a lot during flowering. Does the sativa phenotype stretch a lot during flowering? I am hoping that I have the good phenotype...
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    Barneys Farm LSD

    Has anyone seen a Barneys Farm LSD phenotype with a 5 finger leaf? I am just curious because the one LSD plant that I am using as a mother only has 5 finger leafs and all of the other post that I see have 7 finger leafs.
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    Resistant Leaf Spot Strain

    I live in Hawaii and humidity averages about 80% here. It would be impossible for me to control the humidity levels since I only grow outdoors only and that is the reason why I am looking for a disease resistant strain.
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    Disease Resistant Strain

    What is the most disease resistant strain that you had the experience growing? I am having a lot of trouble trying to combat the leaf septoria disease aka the leaf spot disease outdoors. I have even harvested plants that look with only a little leaf spot disease, and during drying and curing...
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    Resistant Leaf Spot Strain

    What is the best strain that is resistant to the leaf septoria disease aka leaf spot disease? I am having serious problems with the leaf spot disease and so far have found that the Barneys LSD is the most resistant so far. I am looking for others who found a disease resistant strain.
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    GHS Super Lemon Haze - Smoke/Grow Report

    Has anyone had any problems of getting seeds in their grows? I tried to grow the SLH outdoors on twice and both times I got seeded bud. None of the other strains that was grown next to the SLH had any problems of seeds. Could this just be a strain related problem?
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    Has anyone tried to grow anything from Seedmakers? Was it good or bad and what strains did you try?
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    Fade Proof Pen to Mark Plant Labels?

    What is the best permanent marker to use to mark my plant labels? I have been using Sharpie and the ink keeps fading and I just wanted to find a permanent marker that wouldnt fade.
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    Marijuana Massage Oil?

    Does anyone know how to make a massage oil out of the trimmings that you would normally save to make hash? I tried to use rubbing alcohol with the trimmings and the problem is that when I spray it on my skin, my skin gets very sticky. I want the THC to go into my skin and not just to stay on...
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    Potency Question?

    If I have a mother plant and after about 3 months I take a clone and make that my new mother and I continue to do this every 3 months will the potency decrease because I have cloned the plant to many times? Will the plant genetics remain the same or will it decrease the more I clone and make...
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    Sea of Seeds

    Has anyone have experience with this site? A member came in and spammed a few threads promoting this site and I was wondering if it is legit or a fraud?
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    Spray the molded bud with a mixture of about 20% hydrogen peroxide, it will kill the mold and stop it from spreading.
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    Outdoor Cloning

    Does anyone have any experience in cloning outdoor mothers? Any advice is appreciated!
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    Outdoor Cloning

    Any advice appreciated!
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    Outdoor Cloning

    Do you need to soak your clones in water before placing into the media or plug if your mother plant is grown outdoors? I thought I read or heard somewhere that if you are cloning from outside plants that you needed to soak the cuttings in water for at least 1 hour before dipping into the...
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    Thank you for your help and advice!
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    Would I have to worry about the air getting into the stem from the top? Thanks for your help! Aloha, Waiakeauka