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  1. Green on Green

    I Once.

    I once won a race to count to 1, when I won I was asked what I wanted. I wondered and wondered until I could wonder no more...I wanted one ounce of wonderful weed....I was glad I won
  2. Green on Green


    Anyone have any experience growing tea in the home garden? I googled it but there isn't much info, and I would much rather hear from someone who has actually done it.
  3. Green on Green

    Plant Abuse!!

    Good shit, I just added a desk fan to the cab and watered with some MG nutes (half strength to test it out) not much I can do for the humidity until the till my box is done, will look into some alternate methods. The cab isnt sealed and I was thinking of lining it with black trash bags and...
  4. Green on Green

    Plant Abuse!!

    I dont think thay look THAT bad, they are all at least 90% green and the only yellowing/browning is from the light touching them and the bottom leaves dying off.... Please tell me I can save them :cry:
  5. Green on Green

    Plant Abuse!!

    Thanks for the input guys...I still think they will work. They are only about a month to 6 weeks old and some of the leaves got burnt when I was out of town for a few days. Up until that point they were thriving. I will transplant them ASAP Oh and why get rid of the aquarium light? I figured...
  6. Green on Green

    Plant Abuse!!

    ...Oh yeah, they are about a month old and planted in Scotts potting soil.
  7. Green on Green

    Plant Abuse!!

    So aside from having to transplant them, what else am I doing wrong? there are 6 plants with their own CFL (26 watts I think) and under lit with a 15watt aquarium fixture. I pulled one out of the cup and it was nowhere near rootbound so I think I have a few more days until my box is complete and...
  8. Green on Green

    Thermal imaging

    "Gotta love crook cops. I smoke to that. Do you honestly think that the money spent on such imaging devices would be used for a single 600w setup. I wouldnt think so, but what do i know im a fed." Would have been soooooooooo hilarious
  9. Green on Green

    Hypothetically Speaking.....

    What if one had several 6-8 inch plants and decided to flower them? Already understanding that yield will be reduced due to shorter veg, Could one extend the flowering cycle somehow to obtain relatively ginormous buds? Or is the bud production directly proportionate to the size of the plant and...
  10. Green on Green

    Miracle Grow

    No this is my first grow
  11. Green on Green

    Miracle Grow

    So, ?WHY cant I use Miracle Gro for veg again? I mean if it get my tomato and pepper plants abnormally huge, wouldn't it do the same for my Mary?
  12. Green on Green

    Ok...another noob question.......

    Cool, thanks guys. I searched the home improvement sites and couldn't find anything "plug n play" I guess I'm going to have to get off my ass:blsmoke: and head down to Home Depot
  13. Green on Green

    Ok...another noob question.......

    So I have every aspect of my grow box planned out. EXCEPT the air intake/exhaust. I have no clue on how to wire up a fan (nor do I especially want to). My question is if there is a fan any of you have used that can simply plug into a socket?
  14. Green on Green

    Lighting Questions?!?!?

    Thanks just answered all of my lighting concerns with one simple post.....
  15. Green on Green


    ANSWER ME DAMMIT!!!!!:evil: J/K....please provide an answer to my query...thnx:mrgreen:
  16. Green on Green


    Agreed on both points...that doesn't change the fact that the Feds will find a way to lock you up
  17. Green on Green


    I agree, however, these are factual contradictions regarding the birth of the Egyptian god Horus and the comparison between himself and the Christian god Jesus. These facts are indisputable and can be proven so with a little research. Also, the information regarding the Federal Reserve and...
  18. Green on Green


    I think its a good movie in terms of opening your eyes....but a lot of it has been debunked, just Google 'Zeitgeist Debunked' and you will find a lot of contradictions with references. Unfortunately the film itself doesnt list a lot of references for its information, discrediting it substantially
  19. Green on Green

    Lighting Questions?!?!?

    Define "shitload". I'm not planning on growing all 25, just the strongest 15 (remember they will be in 2 separate growing areas) Anything but CFL's currently is too expensive/ time consuming for me. I;ve read about the ups and downs of CFL growing and I'm prepared to take my chances, I just...
  20. Green on Green

    Lighting Questions?!?!?

    I am confused and need assistance. I have a grow box separated into two 4' deep x 3' wide x 5' high spaces ( I was thinking SOG but thats another story) I have 6 sprouts currently that are, from my research on RIU, stretched ridiculously. I had them under a single 100 watt CFL. I know now...