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  1. S

    hey i picked up some fox farm ocean forest soil at the hydro shop and some perlite plants are...

    hey i picked up some fox farm ocean forest soil at the hydro shop and some perlite plants are looking much much better i really appreciate the advice. I was curious though about nutes...i have 2 clones that i am growing and im not sure if it would be beneficial or malicious for the clones to...
  2. S

    haha yeah pretty ignorant about most of this stuff. i definitely am able to get a hold of some...

    haha yeah pretty ignorant about most of this stuff. i definitely am able to get a hold of some ff nutes i dont know about the soil i dont think the hydro store near me has ff soil
  3. S

    so with soil once i start to flower my plants is it wise to get nutrition other than perlite...

    so with soil once i start to flower my plants is it wise to get nutrition other than perlite like fox farm soil or any type of nutes? i have successfully grown and harvested two plants using soil but not exactly sure how to properly add nutrition
  4. S

    Clones yellowing seem to have a bit of light damage

    Yeah the organic choice is exactly what i have had one CFL grow prior to this and all went well using the only option i had at the moment was some kind of regular miracle grow it worked alright so i thought i would try the organic version thinking it might have less or no nutes realized...
  5. S

    Clones yellowing seem to have a bit of light damage

    thats what i am thinking could be from the periodic release. What do you guys recommend as far as brands i can get from say home depot?
  6. S

    Clones yellowing seem to have a bit of light damage

    two pretty fresh clones in miracle grow organic soil (feeds periodically) 6 100 watt power cfl lights only a bit of reflective material in the grow area with white walls. the tips of the some of the leaves are slightly charring and yellowing and a few largely affected areas. some new growths on...