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  1. eltone

    indica vs sativa health benefits?

    I'm with you MartinezTree. Why hasn't anyone answered your question? I, too, am confused on this point. So is it Indica or Sativa that has the energetic charateristic high? If you definetly know the answer please respond. It will be much appreciated. Come on I know somebody out there knows this...
  2. eltone

    Medical Marijuana in Iowa?

    Hi MJG420, thanks for the post. I live in Des Moines and am a strong Medical Marijuana Advocate trying to do what you are doing. Do you know of Carl Olsen? He has a site called [email protected], check it out if you haven't already. Also Sen Chuck Grassley (R-IA) is still...
  3. eltone

    Medical Marijuana in Illinois???

    I am on Marinol and it is the only THC (and its synthetic without the psychoactive effect) containg pill that is legal to prescribe nationwide. In Canada they have a nasal spray called Sativex but I'm not sure if it contains the psychoactive ingredient, seems to me it doesn't. You can get THC...