indica vs sativa health benefits?


Active Member
i tried to Google a lot on this but couldn't find shit.

like i wanna know whats better for you're health, indica strains? or sativa strains?

in my opinion i know 2 things about sativa.
1. gives me headaches,
2, makes me a dummy (the next day) so ill stay away from it.
3. i wake up feeling like shit.

now i know a few things about indica
1. makes me feel energized after i had waken up.
2. doesn't bother with my head, just my body.
3. again i feel bright in the mornings after a good sleep.
4. i get no headaches.

i want to know things like does indica also kill brain cells? like is the health concern the same with both sativa and indica? like do they effect us the same way?

i'm not going to stop smoking depending on w/e u say. trust me i will be smoking n ggrowing for a long time. but im also going into business as well. which i'm already. and i like to go to work looking fresh n bright which i had good experiences w/ indica strains


Well-Known Member
i tried to Google a lot on this but couldn't find shit.

like i wanna know whats better for you're health, indica strains? or sativa strains?

in my opinion i know 2 things about sativa.
1. gives me headaches,
2, makes me a dummy (the next day) so ill stay away from it.
3. i wake up feeling like shit.

now i know a few things about indica
1. makes me feel energized after i had waken up.
2. doesn't bother with my head, just my body.
3. again i feel bright in the mornings after a good sleep.
4. i get no headaches.

i want to know things like does indica also kill brain cells? like is the health concern the same with both sativa and indica? like do they effect us the same way?

i'm not going to stop smoking depending on w/e u say. trust me i will be smoking n ggrowing for a long time. but im also going into business as well. which i'm already. and i like to go to work looking fresh n bright which i had good experiences w/ indica strains
Neither kills braincells, that is just general ignorance.

They effect you the same way with two diffrent highs, they arent alien to each otehr there are many hybrid strains (my favriotes) which can either be sativa or indica dominent but will retain traits of both, I like sativa domi hybrids.


Active Member
I'm with you MartinezTree. Why hasn't anyone answered your question? I, too, am confused on this point. So is it Indica or Sativa that has the energetic charateristic high? If you definetly know the answer please respond. It will be much appreciated. Come on I know somebody out there knows this answer! :mrgreen::confused::leaf::leaf::cool:bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I'm with you MartinezTree. Why hasn't anyone answered your question? I, too, am confused on this point. So is it Indica or Sativa that has the energetic charateristic high? If you definetly know the answer please respond. It will be much appreciated. Come on I know somebody out there knows this answer! :mrgreen::confused::leaf::leaf::cool:bongsmilie
Definitely Sativa...I'm usually an indica/indica dom. grower, and can recognize the extreme difference in highs between the two...


Active Member
I would think indica has more benefits since it seems to be more popular for mmj, just a guess though.


Well-Known Member
they both have equal benefits in different areas.

one isn't worse for you than the other, it's all cannabis and cannabinoids . . . .

indicas = chill out on the couch, feeling awesome and completely relaxed, get ready to pass out!

sativa = go do something social, chill on the couch and watch an entertaining movie and think deeply about it, causes laughing fits (but I'm pretty sure indica can cause that too)

so in abstract terms, indica = couchlocked stoney stone, sativa = uppity dreamy head high


Well-Known Member
personally i don't smoke if i even have a minor headache its seems to make it worse. but after smoking both i prefer an indica dominant.but everybody has a favorite i'm sure:)
personally i don't smoke if i even have a minor headache its seems to make it worse. but after smoking both i prefer an indica dominant.but everybody has a favorite i'm sure:)
Indica and Sativa express DRASTICALLY different influences in the body. In a hemp shell, your body has two main receptor sites for cannabinoids, the CB1 and CB2 receptors. THC - responsible for the sativa effects of cannabis - responds to the CB1 in your head and central nervous system; CBD - responsible for the indica effects of cannabis - responds to the CB2 throughout your body.

The reason you get headaches are because you're combusting the plant matter by burning it with flame. You add bad stuff to your medicine in doing so - consider vaporizing to get the best experience you've ever had with cannabis. And, there's an exceptional reference guide available free on iPhone, just search my user name in itunes :)

If anyone has anymore questions direct them my way, I'm happy to inform!!iSGgraffiti.jpgthumbnailiSGpink.jpg

Mr Z

I am interested in the use of MJ. because I think there is something that helps with my focus in the brain (my brain) anyway.
take poker as a test, I play lot of them, and I could notice the difference in focus from using I believe it's indica; because there is the 5 stalks on that small leaf attached on the bud;(I buy them from dealer) so I have no idea what this strains really call.. but it's showing an indica leaf. How ever the effect I get from being around people is the focus, like in the zone.. still knowing whats going on around me, I could recognise the player's style faster; That's a good thing to know in a winning poker game.. How ever I am concern about the after effect of the use.. there is a head ache when the weed starting to wear out. I only use less than a peanut size in a joint.. took like 3-4 little puffs and that feeling lasted about 2-3 hours for me.
I am not looking to get stone, rather I am searching for focus.
anyway that's my insight on one of the indica strain, and there are many of them, I also believe this dealer's weed is a bit inhygenic, they use foil wrap to wrap my medicine; so :(! I hope weed is legal in my country Australia soon other wise I will have to move to one that's more legal.