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  1. D

    SO i want too try this DWC Stuff for CLONING

  2. D

    4x4 aero flood table, how many plants? +ReP

    15 pounds in 80 fucking sweet i wonder if anyone on the forum has done this sorry for yelling :)
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    SO i want too try this DWC Stuff for CLONING

    How much bigger ? I Have a Aqua one 2500 its a single outlet its rated at 160 LPH So that 210 and 160 so that 370 LPH would that do? im not sure Thanks for helping out guys Danny Boi
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    SO i want too try this DWC Stuff for CLONING

    im going to use neoprene collars thanks for all the help Flo Gro ive taken cuttings a million times before but they alway take ages to root i have used a million mixes or soil and different combo or perlite and vermiculite its jus takes ages but since seeing the bubblers and areoponic...
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    SO i want too try this DWC Stuff for CLONING

    So guys we need air bubbles every where Right ... My rez is 80cms long and 40 cms wide and it holds 39 litres whats the rules of thumb regarding Airpumps for bubble cloners / bubble buckets this is what my rez looks like some what i...
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    SO i want too try this DWC Stuff for CLONING

    Thanks Guys @ Flo Grow Yes i have cloning gel 3 weeks ago i took about 50 cuttings into 50% soil and 50% perlite but only 3 cuttings rooted i got the shits and composted the one that didnt root 3 weeks and i got minimal roots on the one that did root and the other had done nothing ...
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    SO i want too try this DWC Stuff for CLONING

    Hi Guys Ive been reading the DWC threads for a few weeks and i really wanna try this out ... i have a Air pump but i dont think its strong enuff so i will have to get another one but any way i will give you the stats and you guys can give me the low down ROFL the Air pump i have is a 2...
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    OZ outdoor bag seed grow

    Nice work man its good to see some aussies about lol
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    Should i ph my water jus for watering or jus use tap water

    thanks heaps guys ive heard so much shit i dont know what too do any more lol i think they call it Analysis paralysis im sure i have it im normally very good with plants and i didnt know what ph was 2 months ago ROFL
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    Should i ph my water jus for watering or jus use tap water

    How could i go about testing my soil? i bought one of them soil ph testers but i didnt think it worked ? it looked like this i was told that i could test the run of water from the pot but im unsure of how to do that, do i make a mud and test it with the Digital Ph meter i Have . and...
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    Should i ph my water jus for watering or jus use tap water

    Hi Guys Should i ph my water jus for watering or jus use tap water im currently growing in potting mix i was told to use from 5.5 to 6.5. but i jus wanted to know if you only have too ph the water when i use nutes :?. my tap water ph is 7.4 to 7.6 im not sure of the PPMs as i dont have a...
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    How Important Is The Node?

    thanks for the help mate i should have made it clearer should there be a node below the medium for it too root or will it root from anywhere on the stem
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    How Important Is The Node?

    thanks for the help guys i think i know what my problem is lol
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    How Important Is The Node?

    bump 100 veiws and no comments hehe plz Help me out
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    How Important Is The Node?

    hi guys How important is the node .... if i take a cutting below the node will it root faster then if i cutting the clone above the Node thanks in Advance guys i jus wanted too know as i think im taking clones incorretly and thats why im not rooting my clones earlier then i Should...
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    Newbie needing some help

    I would get a digital PH meter mate it would be too hard to use a colour scale becoz most Nutes have colour in them and it might not give you decent read out
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    How Often Should I Feed My Plants ?

    I am currently Growing in potting mix but under a 400 WATT HPS Light i know i asked in a out door thread but i can find a soil Forum thanks for all the help guys ive been making the 2 scoops per 10 litres of awater and then ph ing the water too 5.9 i was told its better to do it...
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    How Often Should I Feed My Plants ?

    Bump anyone anything ? help
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    How Often Should I Feed My Plants ?

    Hi guys i currently have a few girls Growing they are about 8 inches tall and im growing them in potting mix im currently using it has a NPK analysis of 27 : 5.5 : 9 on the box is sez...
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    12/12 From Seed and 1st DWC Too !

    This DWC is fricken KOOL