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  1. Q

    Arghh! Plant problem please help!

    I wish I had a better camera cuz this little logitech usb is making my plants look horendous. I totally believe that my light is no longer penetrating the lower portion of my plants enough at all. I am trying to sell this sun system light so I can purchase a 1000W hps light and just flower...
  2. Q

    Arghh! Plant problem please help!

    Hey mogie, I just got a rapidtest meter and, leached the plants with 7 gallons of good water each. The rapidtest meter read 2 even after I flushed the plants, kinda weird, any insight on that ?
  3. Q

    Arghh! Plant problem please help!

    thank you i appreciate that... one thing I have noticed in these 5 gallon buckets when I water them enough to saturate the entire soil, the bottom of the pot is quite moist for a long period of time because it gets no heat or anything, its almost as if they bottom of the bucket retains all the...
  4. Q

    Arghh! Plant problem please help!

    Ya I know I have seen countless pictures are read so much I can't find a place i havent read, I guess I just don't trust myself enough to make a decision lol. I think I overwatered, overferted them, or they have lockup or somethin... I think I am going to flush the plants ... One thing I...
  5. Q

    Arghh! Plant problem please help!

    Here is a picture of the plant, and another leaf that yellowed, bronzed and fell off today, what should I do guys ! seriously!
  6. Q

    Arghh! Plant problem please help!

    oh and for how often im givin them light, i've been giving them 22 hours a day since I started..
  7. Q

    Arghh! Plant problem please help!

    I was following fox farms feeding schedule but I did nute them twice in a row as they don't recommend I guess... ( regular water every other time ) I also think I might have been giving them to much water... I'm not really sure on how much water I should be giving them in 5 gallon...
  8. Q

    Arghh! Plant problem please help!

    The tempeture is almost constantly 80 degrees, slightly dropping at night, never above 80. 400W Sunsystem metal halide / Exhaust fan, and fan blowing on plants Panda filmed the corner of my walk in closet, floor covered also. I'm using fox farms soil / 5 gallon buckets I do not have a...
  9. Q

    Arghh! Plant problem please help!

    Okie dokie, so I have 2 plants growing in vegetive state about 23 inches high, both in fox farm soil, and I am using fox farm grow big nutrients. I've grown them to where they are now, and had few problems, (wish I had a camera for u guys) but lately, especially on one plant, the lower leaves...
  10. Q

    Flowering growth question..

    Appreciate it, yeah i'm new to forum, seemed like a friendly one, thanks guys.
  11. Q

    Flowering growth question..

    ya that was my intention but it seemed to mess them up, o well it was probably some other newbtastic thing i did to them, ill keep on spinnin :) thanks guys :)
  12. Q

    Flowering growth question..

    but its understandable that the plant will grow in height during the first few weeks of switching to 12/12 and stop after its fully in flower mode...
  13. Q

    Flowering growth question..

    Yeah it's weird, this is the one question that i've never gotten a real solid answer on
  14. Q

    Flowering growth question..

    Yeah i'm definately in no hurry I'm probably going to try to get them to 30 inches, that would be ideal even if they doubled where I have them growing... Do you know if it is ok to or even smart to spin plants 180 under light ? I have expeiremented in doing this and it seems that it shocks...
  15. Q

    Flowering growth question..

    and thanks for that response by the way
  16. Q

    Flowering growth question..

    hmm, my plants are 20 inches think nows good ?
  17. Q

    Flowering growth question..

    Alright well I was under the impression that the plants will grow larger in (height) during the flowering stage, is that right or wrong, I was at a buddies and he convinced me they won't grow taller during flowering, but then I read contradictive things to that all day, someone help meh ! heh...