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  1. P


    Amber meaning....still a newbie to all this!
  2. P


    First time growing outside and the temp where I am is dropping into the the mid 40's and day time highs are ranging from 65-75 degrees. The trics on the buds are milky and not brown yet. The plant has been in bloom for 8wks
  3. P

    Plant ?

    So should I keep them going been in flower for 8 weeks was gonna let them go two more
  4. P

    Plant ?

    How could this have happened with no male plants in or around the room
  5. P

    Plant ?

  6. P

    Plant ?

    I have a plant in my room that is really nice with lots of hair but today I noticed where the hairs are coming from are real fat. I decided to cut one off and found a seed inside, but like I said the plant is full of white hairs and smells great. What should I do with this plant?
  7. P

    over dryed buds

    How to re-hydrate buds when they over dry
  8. P

    Power outage please help

    They are in flowering stage right now they been in flower for three weeks.
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    Power outage please help

    Where I am staying there was a Snow storm on yesterday and it knocked the power out at 4pm. At that time my room would have been dark anyway but would have woke back up at 8pm. The room is usually between 74-78 degrees with about 55% humidity. It's is now 6:30 am and they are still in the dark...
  10. P

    Kool Bloom or Atomic Bloom Bastic

    Which product will help produce bigger and bettter buds? :weed:
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    Best curing and drying methods

    I am looking for some guidance on the best curing and drying methods. I always get to the end of the process and I can never seem to get the end product just right, either its to dry or it to moist and seems to mildew and direction will help.
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    How often should u groom your plants? Also is there any truth in if cut off the satellite leave the plant will focus more on bud growth?
  13. P

    Indica or Sativa

    They plants in the cloner came off that plant
  14. P

    Indica or Sativa

    Can someone tell me just by looking at this plant is it Indica or Sativa? Any pointer or what to look for will help!:weed: Thx in advance
  15. P

    Help!!!Gotta go out of town and nobody to take care of my girls

    Gotta go out of town for a week and I dont have anyone I can trust to come and take care of my girls. What is the best way to keep the alive while I am away? I am using a soil set up. I thought about leaving them in my basement bathroom in the tub with a small amount of water in it so the soil...
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    Can you put 600 watt MH lights in a 400 watt lighting system:confused:
  17. P

    Humidity Control Issue

    I am having a hard time controling the humidity inside my grow hut. The grow hut itself is 4Wx11Lx8H inside a bigger room thats about 500sqft located in my basement. I went out and purchase a cool misting humidifer for a medium size room and it is not increasing the humidity at all. At this time...
  18. P


    Can you harvest when trichomes are milky in color, and what type of high will it give you (not sre what type of Strain)? Next question is Can trichomes be milky and amber and hairs still be white can you arvest then? I have plants both ways this is the first time making it this close to...
  19. P

    Color Change

    I am into week 6 right now, and its only happening to one plant and its only a few of the pistols turning a light orange color. Temp in room ranges from 77-80 Degrees and the humidity ranges from 60-65%. I have one fan in the room with indirect wind gently blowing in the room. I am new to this...
  20. P

    Color Change

    What does it mean when the white hairs start to change color??