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  1. P

    How to Clone?

    Can someone guide me in the right direction on how to clone and what do I need to complete the process. I already have a 30 slot ez clone machine and Clonex clone solution. Thank you all in advance.
  2. P


    Here R some pics if this will help better>>>>
  3. P

    Clone Lighting

    What wattage of light should be used above clone machine? Should I purchase the clonex solution or the clonex gel. I have a 30 slot ez clone machine.
  4. P


    thanks to all for your help its greatly appreciated.
  5. P


    I ph and feed every watering. Will post pics.
  6. P


    I need to know whats causeing my leaves to start curl? The look like if you held your hand with your fingers pointing stright out and just curl the tips of your fingers down thats how they look. Is this a lack of watering? I started out watering them every other day and someone told me that was...
  7. P

    Humidity Control

    Thanks to all My air going into the room is coming for a ac duct unit. I water ever other day, and I water 6 hours before dark hours.
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    Humidity Control

    Come on people you read it but do not reply!!! Where's the bud luv
  9. P

    Humidity Control

    :confused: I am having problems controling humidity in my grow tent which is 4wX8hX10L l. I am only running one of the two 400w hps light because Im in the flowering stage. Before switching to 12/12 my humdity stayed at a constant 66%, but know for some reason it climbs a precent per day it...
  10. P

    EZ Clone Machine

    Is that the gel or solution that goes into the machine
  11. P

    EZ Clone Machine

    :confused:I am looking into purchasing a 30 slot EZ clone machine and need some feedback on the reliabilty of this produce and the success rate for clones for those that have used this product? When Cloning should I purchase cloning gel and the cloning solution or one or the other?:confused:
  12. P


    Will cloning during flowering stage slow the process of growth for the plant you take your clipping off of?
  13. P


    At what point can I take clipping from my plants? Right now they are in there second day of the flowering stage.
  14. P

    New to Growing

    Has anyone ever used a recycler in there feeding schedule?
  15. P

    New to Growing

    Should I wait since I transplated them two days ago and put them in fresh soil before I start given them bloom series sence the soil is alredy charged with nutes. And what type or should I say whats the average yeild per plant with what I am growing (Hindu Kush)?
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    New to Growing

    I transplanted them 2 days ago into Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil from one gallon pots to three gallon pots with fresh soil. I gave them some superT to help them out but they where healthy in one gallon pots still with a strong root system. The room is 10 feet long 4 feet wide and 8 feet tall with...
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    New to Growing

    Wasup all This is my first grow every I will take threw a complete cycle everthing before that has just been to see what type of results I would get growing outdoors. Outdoors for me was not a complete sceince and had to many varibles to contend with so I have decided to move my grow indoors...