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  1. bjeminyro

    moving in about a month only 2 weeks into flower what to do?

    When I moved my babes that's exactly what I did. I made sure the location I was moving them was all ready to go, then once it was in the dark cycle I put a large black trash bag over each one and moved a few at a time in large tupperwear containers. I had ZERO issues with the move. Just be sure...
  2. bjeminyro

    Early opinions?!? please

    those plants are stretching big time, try putting them deeper into the soil. also if that light isn't too hot, move it a little closer.
  3. bjeminyro

    help picking c02 controler + REP

    Personally I'd go with the 'hydrogen' I have one very similar and it works wonders. It has presets that measure the PPM of the room so it automatically disperses the correct amount of CO2 when it gets too low.
  4. bjeminyro

    Cloning feminized plants!!!

    I've cloned from feminized seeds dozens of times and never had an issue with it. As a matter of fact it's what I'm working with right now. So long as the plant is good, strong and well taken care of; and the clones are also well taken care of, you shouldn't have any problems. The best part about...
  5. bjeminyro

    help....babies went 24 hours without light due to broken timer...

    don't sweat man, they'll be alright. if anything it'll result in a little stress, nothing they can't bounce back from. after all, it's called 'weed' for a reason.
  6. bjeminyro

    How small???

    I think shooting for a plant 5-7 inches tall is unrealistic. Even if you induce it in flowering from the jump they'll grow bigger than that. a 5-7 inch plant would be lukcy to produce a gram or two. Also taking clones doesn't ensure the plant will be small, they just start out at about that size...
  7. bjeminyro

    what's better for plants in grow, 400w hps or 250w MH?

    Use the MH for vegging, early on when the babes are small you don't need the same kind of light intensity/coverage/penetration. Once you go into flowering bust out the 600 HPS, it'll have the proper light spectrum, more penetrating power and better coverage. The light spectrum of each type of...
  8. bjeminyro

    utilizing W/D hook ups +REP

    I have a washer/dryer hook up in my basement that i'd like to use for my lights, problem is its rated at 240 and my lights are 120 so obviously they won't work together. Does anyone know how to convert the w/d plug hook ups so I can run a couple 1000W HID's off of it? +REP for any useful...
  9. bjeminyro

    I got attacked....

    i cant really tell from the pics because they aren't all that clear but couldn't it just be build up from foliar sprays, like neem or what have you...?
  10. bjeminyro

    Can buds develop after being chopped?

    No it'll be dead but the reason you keep it in darkness after chopping is because the plant will continue to try and photosynthesize for a short while after, causing new sugars/starches or what have you to develop, hindering the taste of your budha.
  11. bjeminyro

    how long until after the...

    Approximately how long do the buds have to finish once the hairs start turning orange? Any and all feedback is appreciated.
  12. bjeminyro

    What Is The Lowest Temperature Weed Can Be Grown At?

    29°F to 32°F—tender plants killed, with little destructive effect on other vegetation. 25°F to 28°F—widely destructive effect on most vegetation, with heavy damage to fruit blossoms and tender and semi-hardy plants. 24°F and colder—damage to most plants.
  13. bjeminyro

    moving plants

    I actually just recently moved 9 of mine on Aug 31, that were between 5-8 feet. I had 100% success and all are flowering beautifully as we speak. All you really need is a large root ball and some root stimulator, (if you feel the need). I did mine one by one, dug around the babe, left a large...
  14. bjeminyro

    swamp weed ph question

    you could try all that but your bet bet would be to just use buckets with your own mixture. however swamps are tricky anyway because of all the moisture and damp air, it's got a high chance of bud rot/mold. not to mention they're real buggy.
  15. bjeminyro

    Got my sights set on next year

    Anything from Mandala. I've grown their Satori and #1. Both were incredibly easy to grow, beautiful plants, light feeders, generous yielders and high m/f ratios. My last 10 pack of Man 1's I got 7/10 fems. They got a good amount of strains though, check em out and judge according to the high...
  16. bjeminyro

    Rain in the Northeast

    NE here, I had to transplant one batch of babes recently, they had been discovered by potential rippers and it was my only option. They are 5-8 feet tall and were a PITA to move, took over 4 hours. However I think this weather is playing to my advantage because according to fdd, too much direct...
  17. bjeminyro

    will i yield bud

    The buds themselves don't actually need light, they get their energy from what she absorbs through her fan leaves and others on the plant. You definitely should have left them on there man.
  18. bjeminyro

    direct or indirect sun?

    If you choose the spot with full sun all day it's going to dry out a lot faster, which means more watering. But the more light it gets the better the crop. If you can handle the watering schedule and the full sun spot is in a secure location definitely go with that.
  19. bjeminyro

    Please explain?

    Exactly bearthesmoker is right, I was surprised nobody had said that yet. Some strains start flowering sooner and others later.
  20. bjeminyro

    protect ya plants

    Sorry to hear that man, I got a potential situation on my hands right now too. Discovered evidence of intruders so I'm going to have to move mine, 6+ footers.