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  1. StuntmanMike

    FuZZyBuDz takes a D.W.C. dip, first hydro grow! {of course theres piks}

    I'm from Fresno :hump: Nice grow man, I like the short stature
  2. StuntmanMike

    You got your seed from Fresno? That's where I'm from lol

    You got your seed from Fresno? That's where I'm from lol
  3. StuntmanMike

    3rd grow - GDP, Blue Rhino, NL#5, Lemon Kush

    Got the 2nd cab almost completely built. Gotta run power and put up some doors, that's bout it. Gotta wait til I get paid again to get the air pumps, fans etc I need in order to start flowering some of these ladies. They've got a ridiculous number of branches comin off, I gotta start cuttin...
  4. StuntmanMike

    3rd grow - GDP, Blue Rhino, NL#5, Lemon Kush

    Since the plants are gettin so damn big, I started building the 2nd cab yesterday. I'll probably use this one for veg and put the 400w in there; in the original cab, I'll switch the light to HPS and 12/12 and start flowering the bigger plants in there.
  5. StuntmanMike

    3rd grow - GDP, Blue Rhino, NL#5, Lemon Kush

    The GDP directly under the light are gettin huge. After training them I swapped them with the outer plants to try to get them to catch up a lil. The Cotton Candy is also doing well, it's got some nice roots already. I topped it and there are at least 3 tops, maybe 4 up top. Another example...
  6. StuntmanMike

    3rd grow - GDP, Blue Rhino, NL#5, Lemon Kush

    Got some nice shots of the stems while training the ladies today
  7. StuntmanMike

    3rd grow - GDP, Blue Rhino, NL#5, Lemon Kush

    Before tying down today After I topped the Cotton Candy and put two NL clones in cubes
  8. StuntmanMike

    3rd grow - GDP, Blue Rhino, NL#5, Lemon Kush

    Got a new strain yesterday, Blue Sky Cotton Candy :D It's apparnently an 80/20 sativa dominant strain, which is exactly what I wanted. The other strains I have are all mostly or completely indica, I've developed a liking for sativa and wanted to see how small I could keep one in my system...
  9. StuntmanMike

    3rd grow - GDP, Blue Rhino, NL#5, Lemon Kush

    That gigantic "clone" in the left tray was air layered, meaning it grew roots on the mother plant before being cut ;-) This is how the roots looked just before I cut it from the mother. All I did was scrape/cut away the outer layer of the branch and wrap the wound with rooting hormone and a...
  10. StuntmanMike

    3rd grow - GDP, Blue Rhino, NL#5, Lemon Kush

    I have a bunch more that aren't in buckets yet, including more GDP, BR and the NL.
  11. StuntmanMike

    3rd grow - GDP, Blue Rhino, NL#5, Lemon Kush

    Today I started tying the plants down LST style. I just drilled the screws into the lid (sealed w/ silicone to prevent leaks/rust/etc) and used garden twist ties to pull the branches down. I pulled a little too much on one and busted a branch, oh well. They're still a bit short to start LSTing...
  12. StuntmanMike

    3rd grow - GDP, Blue Rhino, NL#5, Lemon Kush

    My previous grow was some GDP and BR in my closet, under 400w in an ebb/flow system. I revegged the plants after harvest and farmed quite a few clones from them, and currently have 5 GDP and one BR in bubble buckets. I built a 6x6x4 cabinet, and bought a 1000w system. I got some Northern...
  13. StuntmanMike

    Re-vegging 2nd grow for 3rd grow

    I've gotten a lil work done since last post, got my cabinet pretty much finished. Still have to hang mylar, run some more outlets around for fans and such, finish the doors etc. As for sealing it up, I used some panda film and a tarp zip, works well enough. I'm also going to make some outer...
  14. StuntmanMike

    Re-vegging 2nd grow for 3rd grow

    So my previous grow turned out awesome, I got some nice ounces out of my GDP and Blue Rhino plants. The mothers from which those clones were taken were stolen out of my backyard a couple weeks after I had started flowering, I would have my 3rd grow up and going had that not happened. I decided...
  15. StuntmanMike

    2nd grow - GDP, Blue Rhino, ebb+flow

    So I finally got around to re-vegging the grow, to try to continue on the GDP genetics since the mother was stolen :mad: The purp turned nearly black after having been flushed for a few weeks, and the temp dropped a bit. I wasn't sure if it would successfully reveg b/c there's hardly ANY green...
  16. StuntmanMike

    2nd grow - GDP, Blue Rhino, ebb+flow

    This is how it looks now. I'm letting some of the bigger colas go longer, I don't see many amber trichs on them yet. I'm also going to try to re-veg some so I can get some clones, I really like these strains One of the BR colas :D The drying box. Still lots of smaller branches to cut and...
  17. StuntmanMike

    2nd grow - GDP, Blue Rhino, ebb+flow

    BR seeds came from an online seed vendor, I dunno if I'm allowed to post the url but it's a great site. The GDP came from a clone from the club. Made that plant into a mother and took clones for this grow.
  18. StuntmanMike

    2nd grow - GDP, Blue Rhino, ebb+flow

    I post em big so you can see the detail :P
  19. StuntmanMike

    2nd grow - GDP, Blue Rhino, ebb+flow

    Yummy purp :D