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  1. greek

    first grow need help

    hi all i have started my first grow.I have 7 durban poision and 3 lowryder2. i have them under a 250w bulb with reflector and fan. but my plants are starting their 3rd set of leaves but there is no gap between them its just 1 leaf reflector of another.Can anyone tell me what im doing wrong. they...
  2. greek

    Too Much Light

    ok the tin foil is got there is papper there now. i have a fan on them from day 1 and i give them a few little taps just to make sure.I have them in 5lt pot that came with drainage holes an i have the light so it is just worm on my hand but not hot should i change to18/6 right away thanks for...
  3. greek

    Too Much Light

    High all i have 10 seedlings growing at the moment 7 durban and 3 lowrider2 i have them in a DIY grow box lined with tinfoil and their under a 250w with reflector about 20in above them.but they dont seem to be getting any taller.they are just starting to get their 3rd set of leaves but have...
  4. greek

    First grow need help quick

    HI all could anyone tell me how to know if my plants have to much light or is it even possible coz i think my plants seem to have stopped growing hight wise they have their seedling round leaves an are starting to get there 3rd set of single leaves with no gap in between but 1 little 1 i...
  5. greek

    First grow need help quick

    hi all everything is going ok i think i now have seven durbun up and just planted 3 lowrider 2s has anyone grow lowrider2 or smoked it and dos anyone know how to tell if your plants are getting enough wind thank in advance
  6. greek

    First grow need help quick

    yea im growing in peat soil and i have read loads but they dont tell you what type off food you should buy or whats best to fertilize them
  7. greek

    First grow need help quick

    i have them under a blue spectrum eco 125 im really stuck on what,how much and when to feed them all that type of stuff
  8. greek

    First grow need help quick

    hi all i just started my first grow i planted 20 durban posion seeds in irish peat 3 days ago and have had 4 up already i have them at 26 degres and 50% humid thats all i know and need help from here please :?:blsmoke:
  9. greek

    what do i need to start growing

    i want to start with soil.i have found a local shop that that will post me anything i need .so now i just need to know what to buy. they have grow box called the persy grow box its 60 by 60 by170cm it comes with 2 fans 1 large one for the exstractor and a smaller 1 for the intake it cost 250...
  10. greek

    what do i need to start growing

    i have never growin before so i am looking for the best way & what i need to buy to start. so any info would be brill.
  11. greek

    no more bud

    id love to grow some but i still live at home with my da he dosnt mind me smoking but wouldnt let me grow.i tried before and he pulled it up cut the roots and then put it back in the pot so by the time i realised it was to late thats why i hav to use M.O.MS
  12. greek

    no more bud

    no not the one i was gettin off.but i wasnt gettin seed it was ready to grid up
  13. greek

    no more bud

    canada but wont ship to the u.s,uk or ireland anymore
  14. greek

    no more bud

    yea was gettin it of bm but they stopped shipping here do you know any other reliable sites
  15. greek

    no more bud

    :cry: i am new to this site and just resentely the place i was ordering bud from stopped shipping to Ireland. so i am now up sh*t creek can anyone help me:confused: