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  1. NoCeilings

    List of mutations?

    lets see some pics! some weird pigment mutation - Serious Seeds Ak47
  2. NoCeilings

    Amber Trichomes? How amber exactly? 100X Magnification, some amber, but how much?

    well said bricktop and electricpineapple. @electric, im assuming youve starved your roots of oxygen and seen the effects first hand? how would you do this in soil? (sorry for the thread jack)
  3. NoCeilings

    Outdoor Florida Container Guerilla Grow: Serious AK47, Diesel Ryder, Fruit Auto

    damn man they gonna hit you with charges? thats why i always stay too secretive. yeah if i can get my stuff together soon ill go get something to help the plants out
  4. NoCeilings

    Outdoor Florida Container Guerilla Grow: Serious AK47, Diesel Ryder, Fruit Auto

    no, theyre in 3 gals which is plenty for their size. and the native soil is garbage out here lol make shift humidity dome. you use rooting gel or powder? no nutes except for a little piss. i probably shouldve, but its whatever
  5. NoCeilings

    Outdoor Florida Container Guerilla Grow: Serious AK47, Diesel Ryder, Fruit Auto

    thanks for dropping in guys. not much has changed but ill get some more bud porn up in a few days :-P . i hope they start putting weight on @juno central florida. its hot and humid and i fucking hate it
  6. NoCeilings

    Will my dope ever smell right?

    dude, a couple hours in the 90s might have locked in the chlorophyll, could be why it tastes planty and like hay. hope it turns out good though
  7. NoCeilings

    AK47 grow, FL outdoors, aiming for weight!

    41 days old. (my last post actually has pics of them @ day 33) the leaves already have 9 fingers. they are very green and i can tell they love the soil. they were wilting a little because its been dry, so i ran them some water. thirsty bitches :roll:. here are the latest pics the plant with...
  8. NoCeilings

    What else can I throw in my grow room?

    WEED! peanuts, zucchini, squash. pumpkins if you have enough space. and maybe throw a spice like spearmint in too
  9. NoCeilings

    inquiring minds want to know

    correction: flowering begins when the summer days get shorter, and nights get longer. about 12 hours of daylight. dont stress out your plants alot and you will have better chances of not getting hermaphrodites. a healthy 2 month old plant will be a few-several feet tall, but a 1.5 gal will...
  10. NoCeilings

    AK47 grow, FL outdoors, aiming for weight!

    Already 38 days in, here are my AK47 plants. I have 10, because 1 was lost to a DEER:cuss:. They are in 7 gal pots, in a mix of mostly FFOF, FFHF, and perlite. Im considering doing some LST, outdoor scrog, and rooting another part of the plant in a 3 gal pot. I forgot what the term for that is...
  11. NoCeilings

    Outdoor Florida Container Guerilla Grow: Serious AK47, Diesel Ryder, Fruit Auto

    40 days old. been flowering for roughly 3 weeks. about 2-3 weeks left. its hard to wait but i will do it. on average, about 10% of the pistils are brown and withered. that bug has been eating my buds and i think im just going to move the plants at night. everything else is great. the fruit...
  12. NoCeilings

    My seeds came in a wallet

    this thread needs to be deleted
  13. NoCeilings

    Cabinet autoflower grow (just two of em)

    you mean increasing humidity? i wouldnt count on it making a huge difference. but what do i know. here are a few pics @ day 21. from seed, not germination. yours look like they are about to explode in growth by the looks of your pics
  14. NoCeilings

    Outdoor Florida Container Guerilla Grow: Serious AK47, Diesel Ryder, Fruit Auto

    most recent pics. 36 days old. fruit auto is beginning to smell like mango, nice. all of them are stinking. i reckon i have a couple weeks left. i saw some more bugs, but didnt kill them. they didnt look like they were harming the plants
  15. NoCeilings

    Cabinet autoflower grow (just two of em)

    yeah you wont get much if they are too short. actually the diesels are still going right now, a week/two from harvest. i have a journal on them with some pretty good pics. it looks like i might average half ounce each? idk. they do smell really good. like a dank / oil smell. ill let you know how...
  16. NoCeilings

    Cabinet autoflower grow (just two of em)

    sweet. my diesel ryders (half lowryder 2 / half NYC diesel) advertise a 6+ week flowering period, so, yes 8 weeks is possible. also, my diesels finish in 9 weeks (63 days) from seed, so I think 60 days for your ryders sounds good too. i dont think theres a typo. to make your plants taller, youre...
  17. NoCeilings

    White and Green striped leaf? ever seen it? thoughts?

    what strain are you growing and how old? this is an ak47, outdoors, about a month old (still vegging). wierd huh..
  18. NoCeilings


    autos generally only need 2-4 gallons because they are so small
  19. NoCeilings

    Outdoor Grow pot sizes and pests

    ^ agreed. A general rule is for every gallon you use, there will be about a foot of growth. Thats a rough estimate but you get it. Growing outdoors is one way to get massive plants, dont limit that with small pots.. Go 7 or 10 gal if you can. I think anything over 15 is a hassle and you might as...