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  1. M

    FIM-ing and Topping arent for all strains, any personal experience?

    I'm still fairly new, on my 4th grow, and 2nd real good one. I fimmed 18 of my 45 plants this time. First time ever cutting the tops. Couple things I noticed: 1. They sex a few days later. All the plants that I hadn't touched had sex signs showing around 7 days but the fimmed ones we're...
  2. M

    Should i flower already?????

    They'd make buds, try it out. Longer you veg bigger plants your get, which is more yield pretty much. Shorter you veg your plants, quicker you get your bud. I'd give em another week or 2 but I like to veg a big longer. I usually flower when they're around 24" but space isn't a issue with my...
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    $$$Cash Crop$$$

    @themanwiththeplan - Thanks for the insight. I'm on the second grow, good bagseed this time, still haven't ordered seeds. I'm just finding out which seeds I'm going to order when the time finally comes. My first grow was 31 females that I abused to hell and back cause I had no clue what I was...
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    Sexy Sexing Ratio???

    @GanjaGod - Why do you not recommend fem'd seeds?
  5. M

    Sexy Sexing Ratio???

    Wow, very interesting. My specs are as follows: Avg Temp: 82F consistently, I don't have a day/night difference built in. Relative Humidity: Usually between 50-70, when it hits seventy though I turn on the dehumidifier and drop it to around 40, then it slowly builds back up again. Lights...
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    Sexy Sexing Ratio???

    Hey guys, another question. My first grow was like 100 bagseeds, which ended up being 45 plants in 1G pots before sexing. After I sexed had 31 females. I was thinking it was going to be closer to a 50/50 split on the sexing but guessed I got lucky.... Second grow. Germed like 80...
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    Build information needed please.

    Thanks for all the great info guys. I'm thinking about getting the ---Ebb Monster 12 site ebb and flow system. 5g pots, 55g reservoir. Anyone have any information on this guy?? It's $900.00 bucks for a 12 pot system. Advice?
  8. M

    $$$Cash Crop$$$

    No clones where I'm at. :( I'm the lone grower up here, mainly because I'm rock tight on the secrecy. I'm sure if I started poking around I could dig up clones but that's not worth it in my opinion. Anyone have a suggestion for a good strain to grow along PPP? A plant that would be very...
  9. M

    Yeah man, that's what I'm hearing. Definitely going to try growing that strain. Probably 75%...

    Yeah man, that's what I'm hearing. Definitely going to try growing that strain. Probably 75% of my grow room will be devoted to that bud. What in your opinion would be a good complimentary plant to grow along side of it for the other 25%. I want just a little variety, probably something with...
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    Heater Hell!!!!

    Right on man. I built a 75% cover and painted it flat black. Hope we won't have any problems. Exactly HOW sensitive are plants to ANY amounts of light?
  11. M

    $$$Cash Crop$$$

    Your like the 5th place I've heard of PPP, same thing with Big Bud. Now does big bud have anything too do with Godbud? Also, what does TGA stand for? Thanks for posting btw. Have you any opinions on LA Confidential, Chocolope or Dynamite? How easy are PPP to grow?
  12. M

    Heater Hell!!!!

    Thanks for the post CanadianEH!! I say EH all the time eh :) Alaskan, so we're neighbors. Here's the deal man, it's not the LED it's the light emitting from the grill/elements/coils inside the heater itself. LED's I just tape over. I need a heater that doesn't emit light and can be used...
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    Heater Hell!!!!

    Bump. Was hoping for some within the next..oh..say...9hrs and 13 minutes :)
  14. M

    Ug...might have a water problem. Plz comment.

    Thanks for the advice.
  15. M

    Nute Question.

    Dramm product any good?
  16. M

    Ug...might have a water problem. Plz comment.

    @Lime - That's exactly what I was trying to say to her. 1g plant going into a 5g smartpot...that's like dropping it into a freaking ocean, course it's going to take awile to get dry. It was taking 2-3 days to dry in the 1g. So...5 times the dirt...9 would be about right. But..during that...
  17. M

    Heater Hell!!!!

    So...another smallish issue in the grow room. My first grow room I had a small 'milkhouse' heater, pic attached. I didn't think anything of it. I stayed in the grow room a couple times after it went dark looking for light leaks and none we're too be found. One day on my first grow I went in...
  18. M

    Ug...might have a water problem. Plz comment.

    @Gangja - your 50/50 3% h202...not sure I understand your measurements there. How much H202 per gallon of water? I've done that before, seemed ok, didn't notice much difference, but then again, I haven't been doing this enough to 'notice' differences. The root systems of the males I pulled...
  19. M

    Ug...might have a water problem. Plz comment.

    @Ganja - Thanks for the instant reply. I'm sitting here waiting to go water...hoping someone will shoot me some advice. Your post only created more questions though!! Damn you :) Please tell me this cause I can't get a straight answer for hell from peeps--IF I SCROG-- How the hell do I work...
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    Ug...might have a water problem. Plz comment.

    So...2nd grow here. I'd like to discuss my watering habits. I thought after the first one I had them dialed in, but the lady at the growstore sees it differently. I'm looking for a couple more opinions. I've read several places to use 'weight' and 'soil dryness' as the gauges for when to...