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  1. D much longer....

    So I hit the 7 week mark today. Sensi seeds #1 from seed. How do they look now? Can't stop looking at waiting for them to ready themselves!!! Thanks for any replies. Just looking for some feed back on what looks good AND bad.
  2. D

    Just curious

    Once your plants go into flower do you switch from a MH to HPS?
  3. D

    When to water?

    Nice advice. Thank you. I will mosdef give a try as I am a few days shy of 7 weeks into flower. Sensi seeds Skunk #1.. Here are my most recent pics.
  4. D

    When to water?

    THANKS. Plants are healthy as can be so I must be doing something right.
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    When to water?

    Just curious. Is it better to water before lights out or right when they come on? Or doesn't it make a difference as long as they've got water? I'm in 12/12 now.
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    male or female?

    Are you still in veg? If so you need to wait till you go into 12/12 before you can tell sex. I believe.
  7. D

    Attitude Seed Bank

    I ordered from Attitude a few months ago. I think it took about 10days total and I did not have to sign.
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    First grow. Comments?

    Just a few newer pics. Still no color change in hairs. Doesn't really stink either unless you touch a leaf.
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    First grow. Comments?

    Good to know. Thanks!
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    First grow. Comments?

    Thanks a lot!
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    First grow. Comments?

    Thank you!
  12. D

    First grow. Comments?

    Well I actually did have 2 plants going up until about 2weeks into flower. The other turned Hermi on me and I got rid. Was running out of room anyways and I wasn't sure what the strain actually was so no worries on that. She smells nice. Not so much in the air just yet but if you touch a leaf, Wow.
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    First grow. Comments?

    And thank to you as well!!
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    First grow. Comments?

    Yes indeed. Thanks.
  15. D

    First grow. Comments?

    Thanks a lot!
  16. D

    First grow. Comments?

    Thanks. I vegged under 6 2ft T5's. Then stepped it up and got a 400w HPS. Made a world of difference.
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    First grow. Comments?

    Thanks a lot!
  18. D

    First grow. Comments?

    Sensi seeds Skunk#1 @ 42days into 12/12. How does she look?
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    Should I cut?

    Should I start snipping the fan leaves that have started to turn? I am now 38days into 12/12. Plant looks healthy elsewhere.
  20. D

    AUGH!!! What's wrong now?

    Just added more pics. Thanks for the replies so far.