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  1. Cashish

    Need Advice, Got Pics!

    will do, i thought i'd repost with pics in the thread name to make it more appealing.
  2. Cashish

    Need Advice, Got Pics!

    My plants have a few under cupping leaves, some looking as bad as an upside down V; the leaves that are affected also point to the floor and curl slightly inwards. All symptoms only appear on branches on lower to mid portions of the plant, no discoloration yet. Additional info: Plants are at...
  3. Cashish

    Under Cupped Leaves, Need Help!

    I don't mist my plants at all, might as well try it. The leaves that look ill only curl slightly inwards, they kind of look claw like or an upside down canoe. If it helps you guys im growing Northern Lights #5.
  4. Cashish

    Under Cupped Leaves, Need Help!

    My plants have a few under cupping leaves, some looking as bad as an upside down V; the leaves that are affected also point to the floor and curl slightly inwards. All symptoms only appear on branches on lower to mid portions of the plant, no discoloration yet. Additional info: Plants are at...
  5. Cashish

    Ph Pen Method for Soil Tests

    I got a digital PH Pen and was hoping my fellow farmers can condense their thoughts on how to interpret Ph readings from run off water assuming water has been phd correctly before and after nute addage. How much water do you need for an accurate reading? How accurate are these readings...
  6. Cashish

    Irrigation using Hydroclay

    When using hydroclay should i flood the table only during daylight hours or also at night? How many times should i flood the table per day? How long should the floodings be? I just transplanted some seedlings that have 2 set's of true leaves and was wondering what would be good for them...
  7. Cashish

    Salt/Nutrient Flush

    I just found this for all who, like me, may be concerned with chloramines: i know this paragraph is concerned with lawns, but later goes on to say "plants of any type": "Watering lawns releases low volumes of water and disinfectant (chlorine, chloramines...whatever) and is considered an...
  8. Cashish

    Salt/Nutrient Flush

    chloromines aren't removed by reverse os. filtration.
  9. Cashish

    Salt/Nutrient Flush

    I understand that the ideal water to flush with is ph balanced, dechlorinated water.....i got some scenarios for you guys that beg for solutions............... You're told your plants are nutrient burnt, you don't have time to evaporate chlorine from the water (2-3 days?), nor do you have the...
  10. Cashish

    Gad Dangit!

    When i first planted my germinated seeds, i started with an "in store" organic soil that didn't list any kind of nutrients and they started getting yellow spots on their leaves. Could this be nute burn as well? I've talked to gardening stores about my seedlings always yellowing and the person...
  11. Cashish

    Gad Dangit!

    About feeding after transplanting: the only reason i did so is because the soil bag said to start fertilizing after week 1 of transplanting; this makes me confused. Does that apply to soiless mixes, if not how should i deal with fertilizing? I do know to use N ferts during veg. The reason i used...
  12. Cashish

    Gad Dangit!

    About 11 days ago i transplanted my seedlings into bigger pots using promix bx soil and mixed in less than 1/2 perlite. After the transplant i watered the pots. They didn't look too bad for about a week. I watered all pots with 10-52-10 at 1/4 strength cause of reading that it would be good for...
  13. Cashish

    Ventilation Problems?

    Here's my grow set up and was wonderin if i'll be needing venting. The light im using is 400watt HPS lighting a garden 3 foot X 3 foot with an oscilating fan going in the room. ok...the main growing room with the fan is 11X10X8 (880 cubic feet) with a doorway with no door hinged up. On the other...
  14. Cashish

    Seedling Survival

    Thx for the reply, i guess i should've been more clear. It's not germination, but the later stages of a seedling's life....pre-vegative approaching the veg stage im encountering most problems with sickly looking plants.
  15. Cashish

    Seedling Survival

    This is my second time attempting to grow and my seedlings seem to be having the same problems as my first grow seemed to have. Rather than posting pics and asking you dudes what's wrong i'd like you to write a comprehensive guide to seedling survival. I just wish i could find out what im doing...
  16. Cashish

    Jorge Cervantes Grow Bible Download

    There are some pages missing from Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 (Pg. 85-99)...just thought i'd let you know. P.S. thanks a lot for this, this is wicked!
  17. Cashish

    Seedling Troubles: Part 2

    Im growing in my closet. During the day time i leave my closet door open all day long, the only time i close it is when i go to bed. The only ventilation i have i the open door; i open my bedroom window on warm days so my birds and plants get some fresh air. Both of the fluoros im using are 40...
  18. Cashish

    Seedling Troubles: Part 2

    i guess i shoul've added that the problems started pre-nutes.
  19. Cashish

    Seedling Troubles: Part 2

    these are pics of younger (3-4.5 weeks old), better off plants. Why are the leaves curling under and the bottom leaves yellowish? P.S. the crooked stem must be genetic cause it was like that from the beggining it seems.
  20. Cashish

    Seedling Troubles: Part 2

    next 2 pics are 5-6 weeks.