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  1. C

    kinda need some help

    That tall one isn't male is it? I've had males stretch really tall and fast like that, when you put em into flower.
  2. C

    Stealth 400 Watt Cooltube Dresser Cab Construction

    What kind of setup do you have? Do you have any pics of it?
  3. C

    Stealth 400 Watt Cooltube Dresser Cab Construction

    I cant have anything on the outside of the dresser, it needs to look as normal as possible. I like the "S" idea that westmich and scoregreen are talking about. Maybe i can pull air from the bottom up through the cooltube and then S it on the other side to hide the light on the exhaust side...
  4. C

    Increase Trichomes

    I just read about the uvb thing sounds possible but Gravity? how do you mean?
  5. C

    Stealth 400 Watt Cooltube Dresser Cab Construction

    If i cant get this cooltube to cool properly without making a shitload of noise, i may have to use a bunch of cfl's too, problem is the plants that will first go in here are already 2 ft tall, 2 weeks flowering
  6. C

    Stealth 400 Watt Cooltube Dresser Cab Construction

    Im not sure how to deal with the light escaping from the intake and exhaust of the cooltube. I was thinking like a round vent cover with like some carbon filter material in front of it, but that might restrict too much airflow. I dont really want to use like flappers but could possibly. The...
  7. C

    whats yout opinion on night ventilating?

    I dont run any ventilation at night.. my plants dont seem to mind.
  8. C

    Switching from 400w hps to CFL- need advice

    Alright so heres the thread for the construction journal on the cab that im starting.. just some drawings for now but plenty of pics to come.. thanks
  9. C

    Stealth 400 Watt Cooltube Dresser Cab Construction

    So here are some drawings of the Dresser Cab that I'm about to start building. For light we'll have a 400 Watt hps in a homemade cooltube from pyrex bake a round, cooled by a six or four inch duct booster. Ventilation for the cab will be an s&p 4in inline (very quiet) with a foothill 4x12 carbon...
  10. C

    Increase Trichomes

    Are you using any bloom enhancer?
  11. C

    400w to 150w

    You cant put a 150watt in the same socket as the 400, if you just have one clone, pick up a couple cfl's or a flourscent fixture and veg under that for a couple weeks and then switch it up to the hps
  12. C

    The Mike Myers Official Grow Journal

    You will want to wait until the soil is almost completely dry as far down as the roots go in between waterings, you have a moisture meter right? If you dont let the soil dry out in between, the roots wont stretch out so much looking for water this can stunt growth and cause those leaves to droop...
  13. C

    Switching from 400w hps to CFL- need advice

    So obviously I've decided to go with the 400 watt cooltube for now just because i want these plants to be the best they can, so after i harvest these two ill convert my cab to a cfl or envirolights. Thanks for your input, ill be starting a construction journal on the cab real soon so ill post a...
  14. C

    Switching from 400w hps to CFL- need advice

    Thanks 7th1der, in fact i have spent a lot of time looking over your journal and I am waiting on my Pyrex Bake A Round to get here so i can build basically the same cooltube as you.. is there anything you would recomend to do different?
  15. C

    Switching from 400w hps to CFL- need advice

    Yea i think that it what ill do. I need things to be extremely quite, near silent, not sure how that will go but ill do my best.. i'm just very worried about the heat and or the noise it'll make to keep it cool.. any suggestions?
  16. C

    Switching from 400w hps to CFL- need advice

    Sorry atombomb im not trying to sell that setup, the cfl's would only be a temporary thing, im going to keep it and build a cool tube.
  17. C

    Switching from 400w hps to CFL- need advice

    Im thinking ill go with a homemade cooltube with the 400 hundred in it, with 6inch duct booster to cool that. Then i figure i will run a 4inch s&p td 100x inline fan to pull through a carbon scrubber. I hope that will keep things cool enough with minimal noise.
  18. C

    Switching from 400w hps to CFL- need advice

    Ya I was thinking of running like 6 150watt cfl's, Im not sure what kind of heat they generate.. i wouldn't imagine more that the hps? I plan on ventilating the cab real well, i was trying to avoid having to run separate ventilation just to cool the lights.. i suppose if i built a cooltube...
  19. C

    Switching from 400w hps to CFL- need advice

    I currently have two plants just under 2 feet tall under, a single 400 watt hps, in a closet about 4 x 5 x 7. They are now about 3 or 4 days flowering. I intended on flowering them in there all the way through but things have changed and I have to put them into a small cab, about the size of a...
  20. C

    I could use some help with my cab! (9 PIX)

    You probably dont need to fan it, the 4" exhaust going out should pull enough air through the bottom hole without a fan, might not hurt to put another hole in the bottom though