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  1. kkday

    Newb needs help on first outdoor grow!!

    You talking backyard??? Or in the woods? You trying for monster 10' plants or 4-6' ladies? I wuld say a rough gauge wuld be hight is your daiameter. So 10' plants = 10' apart. Dig deep and wide.
  2. kkday

    Markings in the woods

    Yeah those are land surveyers, i wuldent chance it. Maybe 1 or 2 so if they fined it they don't do surveylence on it. They will just chop it. If there marking trees to cut they use orange spray paint. It's faster then ribbon.
  3. kkday

    Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow

    First seed to pop today, Mexican sour kush! lol
  4. kkday

    Hawaii Growers

    That's about right from seed.
  5. kkday

    Hawaii Growers

    Yeah let them get big. Read up on low stress training(lst),super croping, and fiming to keep them short and bushy. You don't need to leave that light on all night to keep them in veg just put them under there just before sundown then take them back out at about 9pm in to the dark.
  6. kkday

    Newb needs help on first outdoor grow!!

    You don't need help, you got it down. That's exactly what you shuld do, just make sure your strain choice will finish in time. Also when the plants are ready to go outside you might wanna keep them out of direct sunlight for a couple day to get um ajusted to sun light. Another thing if you veg...
  7. kkday

    First Gorrilla Grow Journal 97 seeds

    Listen to your self, you make like you know. Your useing miracel grow Potting soil....... Nuff said Waldo I wuld use sunshine mix#1 or 4 or promix or even better promix with water crystals. Or coco coir bricks are easy to hike in but you might wana add dry nutes and lime to all of these...
  8. kkday

    First Gorrilla Grow Journal 97 seeds

    Anyway are you really going with 1 gal grow bags? They suck outdoors there to tipsy and watering will take forever and will be every other day. Or are they to veg indoors? Sorry if I missed the post on that. Your thread is filled with bullshit post. lol
  9. kkday

    First Gorrilla Grow Journal 97 seeds

    And u know your microneasiean u toad u.
  10. kkday

    First Gorrilla Grow Journal 97 seeds

    fuck bears we got Samoans!!!! Bigger uglyer and more dangeres than bears!!! The fucked up thing is they started breading with toads and now we got microneasieans hoping all over the Place!!! You think bear traps will control them? Lol
  11. kkday

    Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow

    I shuld state. New to me. Not "new" all I need is DEA at my door thinking I'm Julio Cortez from the Cortez family cartel. I been saving up for a newer truck and my freind wants my old one in trade for one of his boats. The big one!! Girls like the big one!
  12. kkday

    Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow

    Guess who's getting a new truck and 21 foot boat in a couple weeks awww right!
  13. kkday

    First Gorrilla Grow Journal 97 seeds

    You make like it's rocket science, get a gps, make plots of 10-20 all over the place and let the ball roll. I wuld even use the old soil and pots.
  14. kkday

    Hawaii Growers

    Point made, but if you look at that guys post history you will see he's spaming RIU like a mad man. I'm not sure but is spaming allowed boss man?
  15. kkday

    water in the hole

    Dig holes like 24" deep then cut bottoms off of 5gallon buckets or bigger if you can get. Place the bottom less buckets 6" deep in the hole then fill up the bucket with your soil and plant your plants in there. You probably won't have to water. Swamp tubes, look them up. There great
  16. kkday

    Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow

    Yeah we pulled off a good one. Nothing like running out of the mountain with a stuffed duffel bag that won't close full of fresh cut bud. This kinda gurilla grows just don't go down on ower island any more. Babs I like the mom story. That's just f-n great!
  17. kkday

    should she keep it?

    its not about beliefs, its wright and wrong. kill the babie or not to kill a babie. abort wuld be a total no no. adoption wuld be the best thing for everyone in this case..closed adoption of coarse. this is the classic case of jackasses procreating
  18. kkday

    Alice in Wonderland

    it was a good ass movie! good for all ages
  19. kkday

    Does perlite retain water?

    Water crystals u will only need about half a cup dry for a 3.5 cube bail of pro mix, or just buy the pro mix with it already in it. Coco coir is also a really great water retainer. Vermiculite is also great, cat litter, a diaper around the sides of a pot or in a hole. Will all work.
  20. kkday

    Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow

    I don't think shit is rolling in today.