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  1. M

    the grow faq has been down for 4 days now, who should i get in touch with about it?

    Nice... Thanks S.king... Much appreciated!
  2. M

    First time grow question?

    I've been quite busy fine-tuning my set-up... Many of the ideas I had didn't work when installed. I've had to adapt alot of design features. Trial and error all the way... Anyhow, I have moved the outlet fan to the outside of the box. I have my window sill ac, which was originally raised to...
  3. M

    the grow faq has been down for 4 days now, who should i get in touch with about it?

    This blows, I use the FAQ at least 3 times a day. Please, please get this back up asap!!!
  4. M

    Who exhausts out of their house?

    +rep I wasn't thinking of the winter cooling factor...
  5. M

    Who exhausts out of their house?

    Chimney and dryer exhaust are about equally effective. Still though, I would use the spread method if I was going big. A good FLIR operator knows what "normal" chimney and dryer vents look like, and could conceivably mark your house for further FLIR investigation (ie: 24 hour surveillance) since...
  6. M

    Who exhausts out of their house?

    Huh??? I suggested a carbon filter for the smell, beacuse I suggested spreading the exhaust throughout the house... FLIR should not be under-estimated in my opinion. But, to each his own... Happy growing!
  7. M

    Who exhausts out of their house?

    This would be fine, as long as you are complying to your state's laws regarding cultivation. I exhaust to my attic, and have the duct aimed directly at spinny vent on the roof. So, if a pig were to fly over with FLIR, I would have a very suspicious trail of heat exiting my house 24/7. But...
  8. M

    Who exhausts out of their house?

    Just get a good carbon filter and spread the heat throughout the house. This is also very effective against FLIR... FLIR is utilized, by the man, to detect suspicious hot spots. If you spread the heat to every room of the house, it will look like any other house, and not raise any suspicions...
  9. M

    Some free medi-beans left..

    I've been looking all around the potpimp site, since finding this thread... Trust me guys, this is no scam... I will definitely be obtaining seeds from this site when I get some scratch together. Read the potpimpmanifesto... These guys are super legit... Thanks again Pinkus. I had no...
  10. M

    First time grow question?

    I woke up this morning to find a bunch of female preflower sites... Pistils!!! I was worried about inner-sexing due to the stress from my noob growing skills... I'm so stoked!!! Will post more pics tomorrow...
  11. M

    Some free medi-beans left..

    Thanks for the link...
  12. M

    First time grow question?

    Day 6 since transplant into soiless mix... Yesterday, all I did was remove some of the dead leaves and necrotic portions of others. Today, I added some more soil in both pots and watered again with half dose of nutes. I did a light foliar feed again to the runt only, since she is not...
  13. M

    First time grow question?

    So, I gave the girls some nutes yesterday, and... I saw the most growth in one night yet! The runt isn't recovering as fast, I think because I added a little bat guano to her soil when I transplanted. The tall one developed a new node last night, and the new leaves still look a little...
  14. M

    First time grow question?

    Hey man, A simple way to see if the lights are too close, is to put your hand at the plants' distance from any light... If it's too hot for your hand, then it's too hot for your plant. It sounds to me like you some sort of nutrient deficiency. But, I'm a noob, so don't take my word for...
  15. M

    First time grow question?

    Oh, and btw this is the soil I am now using. And, I just realized I can raise my entire box with bricks to avoid having to LST my plants. I initially took the bottom out to have more heighth inside and didn't realize this design bonus until now. I took a trash bag and duct taped it to the...
  16. M

    First time grow question?

    Oh, and dude... You are the m f'n man! I hope you live in socal... Because when I harvest, I want you to have some for your help... Seeing as we are both legitimate mmj patients I don't think any narcs should have a problem with a gift from a friend.
  17. M

    First time grow question?

    Ok, I upped changed my timer for 18 hours on. Should I veg them for 2-3 more weeks, or more like a month? I have been checking out some window ac's also. What method should I use for adding more soil? I ask this, because only adding soil would bury part of the plant. Here are some pics...
  18. M

    First time grow question?

    Hey thanks man. I really appreciate it... Yeah, I agree that any heat additions would be a deal-breaker... I am running 15/9 right now, for stealth reasons. Is 15 hours of light a day enough for WW? If not, I will make the necessary adjustments. Since I have to leave the front cracked when the...
  19. M

    First time grow question?

    I meant 8 fl. oz. not ml... lol... bongsmilie Man, my ladies are looking so much healthier since the transplant. i love growing!!! :weed:
  20. M

    Hey hydro, First off, I wanted to give you this link. I think it's $5 a month for the...

    Hey hydro, First off, I wanted to give you this link. I think it's $5 a month for the elite status. You then can edit all your posts even after the first day of the post. Plus a shit-ton of other bonus features. I'm joining for sure! :weed: Then...