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  1. D

    DillWeed's 2009 summer grow journal: Two Lbs. or Bust! (2x1000 watt HPS in grow tent)

    NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! i will guess 1121 then :)
  2. D

    How do Link my grow to my signature?

    i have tried writing it in html but it didn't work:cry:
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    This is where legends come from.

    hey man obviously you have used this set-up before, what was your strain and your yield?
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    stealth under-bed grow, LST, horizontal, less than 1ft in height!

    wtf this is awesome. do your thing dude just DONT USE TIN FOIL. it seriously creates hotspots and can burn weird parts of your plants. i will be impressed if this can work out for you. have you thought about yield?
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    DillWeed's 2009 summer grow journal: Two Lbs. or Bust! (2x1000 watt HPS in grow tent)

    im excited aboutt harvest pics and the final weight im gonna guess 1111 :)
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    Forum Help Thread

    I have such a noob question. How do I post a link to my grow journal in my signature? I mean besides the actual long ass link. I see tons of people with colorful worded links and I cant figure it out :(. I tried writing it in html but that didnt work out so well either.
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    DAMN BIG BUDZ Grow Journal

    SOME OF MY SHIT GOT HERE!!! I got every thing except for the fans and the can filter. Putting the final touches on my flower room is all I have left. All the girls are doing great, some of the UP's are growing funny though FEEDBACK PLEASE!! This whole vegging thing is kinda boring but i...
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    ever used a ::vapir_oxygen_vaporizer:: ?

    as far as vaporizers go the cheaper the worse. Expect to pay $150+ for a semi nice vaporizer and $500+ for a really good one. i dont know if that would be worth a $100 bill *plus shipping*. Let us know how it goes!
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    To all the dealers out there!

    BE CAREFUL! I dont know who you are what age you are (this site is 18+) or whatever but being both the grower and the dealer IS NOT THE BEST PLACE TO BE! the best thing you could do would be to sell to your friends, if you dont feel comfortable inviting them INTO YOUR HOUSE and smoking with...
  10. D

    Medi Grow: Northern Lights, Aurora Indica, Sour Diesel and more!

    WOW!!!! I havnt seen anyone growing Aurora Indica except me, can I request some pics of just that strain? Your grow looks FANTASTIC I really like seeing variety! KEEP IT UP:weed::weed::weed::weed:
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    hey man PM me if you get back on this site

    hey man PM me if you get back on this site
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    White Rhino, Northern Lights

    Hey man I think they look great. No one wants to post on my grow either. I WOULD FLOWER THEM NOW!! those are some big plants and you can expect it to AT LEAST double in size during flowering. If you have access to some nutrients grab something SIMPLE that will help it flower fox farm tiger...
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    "The Church" another 7 days or so...

    That looks like hardcore flushing. I would say you have MAYBE 3 days left. /But your leaves look almost dead.
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    Aurora Indica AND Urban Poison pics PLEASE

    NICE!! I got 5 feminized from nirvana. All sprouted. Do you have any more pictures or advice?
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    Stealth Dresser Grow!!!!

    Is money an issue? how about sound? would something happen if there was the constant sound of a fan running in that room? If not I would suggest a cool tubed 250 HPS. It will give you the results you want a lot better than cfl.
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    Aurora Indica AND Urban Poison pics PLEASE

    i have surmised that no one has grown or smoked either of these strains on this site. Everyone who has is on THAT SUCKS
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    Aurora Indica AND Urban Poison pics PLEASE

    Hey I am currently growing both of these strains in a different thread "DAMN BIG BUDZ Grow Journal" I am wondering if anyone has already grown these strains and has any advice OR PICTURES, I WOULD LOVE PICTURES.bongsmilie:weed:
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    DAMN BIG BUDZ Grow Journal

    -One female of each strain will be held back in the vegg chamber as mothers. BUT as many clones as nicely possible will be taken from ALL before the others continue. -I will have 8 plants that will make it to the flowering chamber (please.please.please.please.please.please) I would be overjoyed...
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    Obama bud

    This is a funny ass thread. PREDENTICA ALL THE WAY!!!
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    DAMN BIG BUDZ Grow Journal

    Sorry about the pictutres everyone! FEEL FREE to post comments, criticism, advice WHATEVER at any time. :blsmoke: