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  1. C

    Longtime members first grow journal

    Another update, We are at about day 14 of veg , had a couple small hiccups. I was overwatering a little but I caught it right away and the plants have more or less rebounded the startkiller moreso than the 9lb, only seemed to stunt them a little. Now this morning the very tips of the leaves of...
  2. C

    New room build 6x14

    Hello everybody, Another room update , got another light hung, equipment moved in and the girls are all settled in. The rest of the lights and fixtures moved in Temps and humidity are a little low but I am working on dialing that in, I really just need the plants to grow a bit bigger and I...
  3. C

    New room build 6x14

    Hello all, Another update on the grow room build out, I would have loved to get in there and give everything another coat of paint, but i'm low on funds and time, and that paint is relatively expensive.I will have to do it after this run its more a cosmetic thing at this point i have a nice...
  4. C

    Very tip of serrations are curling up??

    Thanks for the replies everybody ill make sure to let them dry out enough and use less water this watering
  5. C

    New room build 6x14

    Probably should have touched on my electrical specs. I have one 20 amp circuit for my lights going to 3 boxes in my ceiling. One 15amp circuit for my wall outlets. I have. 1250 watt baseboard heater on a programmable thermostat. I also have a wire in the wall if I want to add a mini split down...
  6. C

    New room build 6x14

    Thank you, Yes I will be upgrading to 3 600 watt of led eventually I think, I just wanted to start with the couple lights that I had in my closet gathering dust.
  7. C

    New room build 6x14

    Will do buddy, thanks.
  8. C

    Very tip of serrations are curling up??

    What is it that you see in the pot, I watered day before last and I waited until the soil was dry before I watered
  9. C

    Very tip of serrations are curling up??

    Hello I have a plant, and all the very tip of all the serations of the leaves are curling up. My room is currently 76 degrees 55% humidity and it is similar day and night i know that is a little high for night time temps but i dont think that is what is causing this, my ph is 6.2, currently on...
  10. C

    New room build 6x14

    I've been hard at work getting this room ready for my girls to move in, the room is 6x14x7h at the tallest wall. I just finished boarding the walls and painting today now to start moving the gear in and getting the enviroment dialed in.I will be using: a 6" 470cfm inline fan 2 400 watt HPS...
  11. C

    Longtime members first grow journal

    Hope you all enjoy as I have over the years and comment away!
  12. C

    Longtime members first grow journal

    Hello, I'm a longtime member who up until recently has been lurking in the shadows without posting. I started visiting this website back in high school when i dreamed of being able to grow my own smoke, even starting a plant in my closet at my parents house( did not go over well). Then when i...
  13. C

    Do you think passive exhaust will be sufficient new build

    Very tight haha I already have the fan from years ago
  14. C

    Do you think passive exhaust will be sufficient new build

    Hello all, Currently roughing in my hvac intake and outtake. My setup is 540 cubic feet and I am using a 6" fan with 473 CFM. I am running 2 400 watt HPS and 1 315 CMH.Do you guys think a passive exhaust will cut it, my budget is stretched very thin and I have plants vegging in my garage that...
  15. C

    Beneficial bacteria can I get away without?

    Thanks everybody for the responses, one follow up that I accidentally omitted from my first post the nutrients are the general hydroponic organic line does that mean I should get them?
  16. C

    Beneficial bacteria can I get away without?

    Thanks for your reply scrambling to make sure I have everything I need on hand in case of shut down haha
  17. C

    Beneficial bacteria can I get away without?

    I have two plants growing in 7gal smart pots under 400watt MH. They will flower under one 400 watt HPS each. I am growing in promix, unamended .I am using general hydroponic veg and bloom nutes with Remo cal mag. Thanks.
  18. C

    Beneficial bacteria can I get away without?

    Hello all, I've just started a grow to ensure that if there is a shortage, or price skyrockets in the coming months I have something to smoke on. My question is do I need beneficial bacteria I have already over spent getting to where I am. Even if I just get through veg and add them for flower.