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  1. Lunesta215

    Anyone with knowledge of dogs?

    We have 2 Bull terriers and a Pitbull.... They are in the house with our KITTIES and only had a problem 2x's and it was with the Male Bull terrier... the other 2 are female. He bites.. I mean he has a strong sense of character. He once bit a Homeless Person who tried to approach us on a walk in...
  2. Lunesta215

    Finish the sentence above you!

    want to go and
  3. Lunesta215

    Why do my leafs have yellow spots??

    I found out I have a MAG def. SO now we can fix our problem.:spew:
  4. Lunesta215

    What kind of soil is best to use?

    Happy Frog, or Oceans Forest.... Both of these soils are HIGH in bat guano, Worm Castings, perlite, Humic acid, Oyster shell, and dolomite lime(for pH adjustment).
  5. Lunesta215

    Photo of Pit bull and Cat OMG!!!

    SO CUTE>>>IF the dog was HIGH, She would of ate the Kitty....
  6. Lunesta215

    Fox farm nutrients question

    Fox Farm Big Bloom, with Dr. Hornbey BIG BUD, Pirahana all together in one mixture. Works Great for Flowering.
  7. Lunesta215

    Check out my plant...I need answers!!!

    How much of the cal-mag is sufficient? and also isnt Epson salt an alternative to the Cal-Mag???:confused: Oh yeah, We are using soil... and we use a pre-soak Resivoir with pump and Air stone.
  8. Lunesta215

    Check out my plant...I need answers!!!

    Our water is pretty hard its around 700+ppm but no higher than 800ppm. Do you think epson salt is the soultion if its due to the water being hard? I seen this on a website Thanks
  9. Lunesta215

    Check out my plant...I need answers!!! I keep my PH at 5.5, and PPM @ around 1200-1400 My buds are densing up, but leafs are spotting. We are growing Kinda HYDRO-SOIL (hyrdo resivor with soil).... It worked AWSOME with Shishkaberry, Do you think White Widow is too...
  10. Lunesta215

    Check out my plant...I need answers!!!

    I have a problem with my plants... Check out the pics.
  11. Lunesta215

    10 Weeks Old And I am Stunted, Please Tell Me Why ?

    He means you need them under 24/7 light or 18hr a day on and 6 hrs off then when you want them to bloom you put under 12/12 light/dark. Hope that helps.
  12. Lunesta215

    What is the most weed tolerant place to live?

    Northern Cali.... Best Climate.:joint:
  13. Lunesta215


    I heard its a Medicinal Strain strait from some scientists.... But Ive had it, Its kind of airy and harsh, But Stoney as F... it has a distict strong smell, Really rare. :blsmoke:
  14. Lunesta215

    three weeks flowering

    Here is White Widow 3 weeks into Flowering...12Hrs on 12 hrs off and the nutes used...
  15. Lunesta215

    What do you think of the Easy Cloner???

    Just wondering... Out of 30 I had a 80% success rate using willow water VS gels, or powders in rockwool. Thanks for your reply... We appreciate it. AEROPONIC IS EZ...:mrgreen:
  16. Lunesta215

    dr hornby big bud

    Big BUDS is what you'll get... Dr. Hornbey is the BEST!!!! Its like a natural steriod for buds......Every watering, I have a resivoir mixed and sitting with an air stone, and circulation, Kinda Hydo-soil.... Works GREAT!!! I water every 2-3 days depending on the moistness meter. We also have...
  17. Lunesta215

    Popcorn....Makes You Want More And More

    Ever make Canabutter... Well using the same double boiler method, use about 1 cup of Vegetable oil and 1/4 of your best:mrgreen:, and make popcorn on the stove top the old fashioned way... The canna-oil adds flavor so all you need a small amount of salt to taste. For a buttery, stonier effect...
  18. Lunesta215

    SoCal Clones???/

    We live in SD, WW clones...Are you a verified 215 card holder?
  19. Lunesta215

    What do you think of the Easy Cloner???

    Any good or bad experiences with the easy cloner? Have you used Willow Water to root your Plants??:joint::peace: