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  1. 3

    Apollo 13 BX and Querkle - start Querkle earlier?

    I'd like to do these two strains under the same light. I've seen how slow querkle is in veg, but have no experience with apollo 13 bx. Would you recommend starting the querkle a few weeks earlier than the apollo13 BX? If so, how much of a head start do you think I should give the querkle?
  2. 3

    what grow medium is easier to grow in?

    The soil will act as a buffer and a really good one at that. Provided you've adjusted and checked the PH of the soil and its in the 6.5-7 range then its not absolutely necessary to adjust the water... if it's just straight water. I suppose an exception to this would be if you check the PH of...
  3. 3

    what grow medium is easier to grow in?

    Without a doubt this is your best option for a high-quality soil mix. It's about as quick and simple as it gets and you can get great results. Use the foxfarm happy frog soil you have for the 60% part, and you've got the coco already so just get ya some perlite, lime and simple nutes, and...
  4. 3

    what grow medium is easier to grow in?

    Kind of depends on how you want to grow... But my vote is for soil. Some will tell you that soil is easier because the nutrients the plant needs already present in the soil, you just need to supplement occasionally, (depending on how rich your soil is and also the strain your cultivating.) if...
  5. 3

    T5: Is this a bad socket?

    Thanks for the 2nd opinion DeeTee!
  6. 3

    T5: Is this a bad socket?

    To do so, I'd remove bulbs and take out the reflector? Then I suppose I'd see some screws inside that affix the components to the housing? Unscrew those and then I'd have acces to the ballasts?
  7. 3

    T5: Is this a bad socket?

    There was no physical damage to the light. It's been treated very gingerly. The bulbs when left in that socket start to get damaged, the begin to die from the outer edges inward. The other weird thing I would describe as little waves of light that fluter across the bulb. Does that tell you...
  8. 3

    T5: Is this a bad socket?

    The first bulb had a little Light towar the center and none on either end of the bulb. The second bulb I put in was a hint brighter but soon began to do weird things. It looked like the bulb was dying out so I popped it out to try another which was similarly dimmed. I tested both bulbs in...
  9. 3

    T5: Is this a bad socket?

    I have a 6 bulb t5 and I think one of the sockets went bad. I noticed the bulb in it was very dim, so took it out and replaced it with another that I new was functional and it too was very dim, tried it again with a third bulb and got the same result. So I'm thinking that might mean the socket...
  10. 3

    15 Strains, what 2 should I grow next?

    Really went full circle with this one and it should be a squeeze, but Kosher and two querkle it is. Probably have to get a little creative with pruning on the querkle to deal with crowding.
  11. 3

    Soil mix w perlite PH 6.1. How much lime should I add?

    Edit: used 1/4 cup lime for 8 gallons soil and mixed thoroughly. Should I wait a day or two before sowing directly into soil now?
  12. 3

    15 Strains, what 2 should I grow next?

    Thanks for all the replies! So based on what you've suggested, I've eliminated the sativa dom Barney's stuff. I'd love to see the querkle grow but don't think I want to bother with reg beans this time around as one poster mentioned. I'm thinking it's between OG18, Holy Grail, and Kosher...
  13. 3

    15 Strains, what 2 should I grow next?

    Oh yea. I forgot to put RP OG #18 on the list. I was just wondering why you might choose og kush over og 18 then realized my mistake. So would you still take the og kush over the og18?
  14. 3

    15 Strains, what 2 should I grow next?

    I have more beans than brains. What do you think would be the best strain or strains to grow. I have doubles of most of the beans below so it could two of a kind or two different strains, but my limit is two. If you have experience with any of these I need your help! Barneys Farm Laughing...
  15. 3

    liberty haze..barneys farm growers

    Have one finishing now. It's my first ever and it's awesome. I apparently got lucky though since mine seems to be an indica dominant phenotype (or at least fast flowering pheno like advertised) and will be harvested at 9 weeks of flowering. The fan leaves have already yellowed and the...