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  1. G

    Any idea of what this is in my bud?

    Anything bad happen if i pull this thing with tweezers just to confirm its a nanner? Will it just pull out or break apart? Heres another pic from the under side
  2. G

    Any idea of what this is in my bud?

    Its gotten cold over the last few nights too and the tent has dropped to 66 at night 76 during the day. It gradually reaches the peaks and valleys with no real sudden temp changes
  3. G

    Any idea of what this is in my bud?

    I put another fan under the canopy thats hitting this plant pretty hard but other than that I cant think of what might be stressing it. Could too much wind be causing it? I say pretty hard its a small fan so not that hard but harder than it was getting before
  4. G

    Any idea of what this is in my bud?

    what about the other plants in the room? I think maybe I could chop this in a couple of weeks but feels like the other ones will go longer
  5. G

    Any idea of what this is in my bud?

    lol my first grow so over paranoid and checking all parts constantly
  6. G

    Drying room suggestions

    I have a heater in the room so not worried about heat just airflow, humidity and darkness. I have an ACinfinity grow tent that has a controller for the fans to keep the humidity at a set level. I'm worried if I try to dry it in just a tent/closet/room I will struggle to keep the humidity as high...
  7. G

    Drying room suggestions

    2x 240 watt qbs 6 weeks. I wasn't really worried about either being done just what I'm observing as the gap between the development time and getting a space prepared to dry if I can't use the tent
  8. G

    Any idea of what this is in my bud?

    Looks to me like maybe the tip of a leaf had some burn to it but wondering if its something worse?
  9. G

    Drying room suggestions

    I don't think the plant that is labeled ahead in the pictures is done yet but it seems to be a decent amount ahead in terms of maturity than the behind one. Sorry about the slightly blurry scope picture its hard to snap a clear one but looks like only a few have turned amber
  10. G

    Drying room suggestions

    I'm pretty new to this so no idea how far apart they are but feels like a weekish based on where one was at a week ago vs now. If I leave one an extra couple of weeks does anything degrade? Any signs of you should harvest this now before bad things happen?
  11. G

    Drying room suggestions

    I was planning to dry in the same tent I'm using for growing but it looks to me like the plants are going to finish at different times. Does anyone have any suggestions on the best idea for a drying space? I live in the desert so humidity is low. I thought about buying another tent to dry in...
  12. G

    Leaves turning lime/yellow

    Dude that sounds amazing any info on it would be great.
  13. G

    Leaves turning lime/yellow

    What do you do when they need feed if your not using bottle nutes? From what I read ffof is good until you flip to flower, are you just top dressing? This is my 2nd grow and first time using soil so still in learning phase
  14. G

    Leaves turning lime/yellow

    Well water with no filter. I guess my PH is way too low then that I have been feeding. I was very concerned with over watering but looks like im probably under doing it. I will give them a good water now and leave the PH at a higher level. Thanks for the advice all
  15. G

    Leaves turning lime/yellow

    The PH of my base water is 8.3 is that ok?
  16. G

    Leaves turning lime/yellow

    Hey this is my first time cloning and two plants from the same mother are starting to fade. I tried to add cal mag to the water to see if that helped but no change. This is a soil grow using ffof and not adding any feed at the moment. The other plants are looking pretty good. PH 5.9 - 6.0...
  17. G

    First indoor grow

    Might need to move the light a little closer to prevent them stretching
  18. G

    Dense flowering plants in grow tent advice

    I went a bit fan crazy and have 4 total. One blowing over the lights, one oscillating pointed at the canopy and two down below pointed in different directions. The extractor fan is running 24/7 at this point on full blast. One of the buds is slightly touching the tent walls but im struggling to...
  19. G

    Dense flowering plants in grow tent advice

    Plants keep growing and my grow tent is completely packed. I'm pretty worried about getting PM or bud rot/mold but this is my first grow so I'm not sure if I'm over panicking. I have removed a couple of leaves to allow for better airflow but they are so bushy without removing a large amount I...
  20. G

    Prune 30 days into flower
