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    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Use neem oil emulsified with silica (pro tekt) weekly for IPM
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    Manure questions

    I've read you can even use the alfalfa pellets made for rabbits from pet stores.
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    What to add?

    Neem and crab. shouldn't need blood and bone if these are added.
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    nutrient availability and soil ph in modified super soil?

    Like stated you don't need to worry about ph in organic. Also cook your soil longer like greasemonkey kindly suggested! -Da-Lu
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    Replacement for Earth Worm Castings You will learn so much from this thread. I don't think they start talking about smaller (1-10gal) notills until the end but there's a few guys that do 5 gallons. Bluejay mentions 2 gal notills he's had mothers in for over...
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    Watering and Living Soil

    I've heard great things about the Dutch and micro clover. I'm currently using red clover with good results. I also use cannabis leaves as mulch, free and a simple/safe way to dispose of them. Once the cannabis plant gets big enough it will block out light from the clover killing them off. This...
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    Replacement for Earth Worm Castings

    You can do notill in 7 gal.
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    Replacement for Earth Worm Castings

    I made the switch to organics a couple months ago! So far I'm loving organics for my lifestyle it is a lot easier. That being said. Hydro can be done simply and very cheap. I grew a few grows in DWC before switching to organics. I only grow 2-4 plants at a time. Before I researched products I...
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    Companion plants for weed Sounds like that's what your looking for. Love this way of growing.
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    My organic mix

    Yea I wish it told you how much of what was in it. I've heard great things about Gaia that's why I went with it. Here's what clackamas cootz says on the FCC in Gaia: "Fossilized Carbon can refer to a lot of things - coal, oil or even natural gas. FC can be the fossilized remains of dead...
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    My organic mix

    Scratch that, buildasoil ships to canada for crazy cheap. So I out in an order for some coconut water powder, aloe powder, agsil 16h, crustacean meal and neem meal. Here's what's in the All Purpose: Guaranteed Minimum analysis: Total Nitrogen (N) 4% Water Soluble Nitrogen 3.2% Water Insoluble...
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    My organic mix

    Sorry, those are total. And the tea is per gallon, than diluted with 1 part water 1 part tea. I cannot for the life if me find neem cake or crab meal locally. I've been searching far and wide.
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    My organic mix

    Also here is my tea mix havnt used it yet have it bubbling right now. For Foliar spray and root drench. Tea: 2 tsp kelp meal 3 tsp alfalfa meal 5 tsp EWC 1 tsp Glacial rock dust 2 pumps kelp extract 1 tsp blackstrap molasses
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    My organic mix

    Here's my first shot at an organic mix. Got the soil cooking now. Let me know what you think. Critism/help is welcome! Started seedlings in: (9gal) total Sea soil - 10L Peat moss - 10L Earth worm castings - 10L Perlite - 8L Dolomite lime 1 tsp per gal Will transplant to: (Approx 21 gal...
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    GH Waterfarm questions

    I have the waterfarm 8 pack and 4 individual waterfarms. 1. I haven't done it personally but yes I have heard of someone cutting down the tube to get the drip ring lower. I just angled mine down and buried it in hydroton. 2. I use the site glass (water level tube) to drain the system and...
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    1st grow. My grow tent.

    Plants are getting quite large! Switched them to flower about 5 days ago. Still running the 600w MH. Going to switch to 1000hps in about 5 days
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    1st grow. My grow tent.

    Another quick update! Plants are looking good! I'm away for work for two weeks than at home for a week. I gotta have my systems dialed in before I leave ( I leave premixed nutes/ph'ed water for my gf to add as necessary) so far so good!
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    1st grow. My grow tent.

    Quick update: plants seems to be doing well. I was gone for a week and the pH was a tad high 6.3-6.4 in both systems, so I dropped it to 5.5. Nute level in the waterfarm was a bit high - 370ppm dropped it to 300ppm. Also I fimmed the 4 oldest plants today.
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    Advice needed

    Any thoughts?
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    Advice needed

    Here is the waterfarm, seedlings seem alright. Also here's a link that explains the waterfarm watering schedule.